机场海关申报语境下,you'll have to pay duty on this.的意思是哪个选项____


第1个回答  2023-07-05

机场海关申报语境下, You'll have to pay duty on this. 的意思是哪个选项 _ 。(A)


B.你必须为这项物品 缴纳罚款 。

C.你 不能携带这项物品 。

"you'll have to pay duty on this" 在机场海关申报语境下的意思是:你需要为这个物品支付关税。关税是指根据国家法律规定,在进出境时对一些特定物品征收的税费。当你携带某些物品进入一个国家或离开一个国家时,如果这些物品超过了免税额度或属于需征税的物品类别,海关可能会要求你支付关税,以便合规地进出境。

所以,"you'll have to pay duty on this" 的意思是,海关认为你所携带的物品需要缴纳关税。你将需要支付相应的税费才能合法地将物品带入或带出该国家。


    You'll need to pay for the goods before they can be delivered to your address. (在货物送达您的地址之前,您需要付款。)

    Don't forget to pay your utility bills by the due date to avoid any late fees. (别忘了按时支付公用事业账单,以避免产生滞纳金。)

    He promised to pay me back for the money I lent him last month. (他答应还我上个月借给他的钱。)

    As a responsible citizen, it's important to pay your taxes on time. (作为一名负责任的公民,按时缴纳税款非常重要。)

    Please proceed to the cashier's desk to pay for your purchases. (请前往收银台为您的购物付款。)

    The company offers various payment methods to make it convenient for customers to pay for their orders. (该公司提供各种支付方式,方便客户支付订单款项。)

    The restaurant only accepts cash payments; they don't take credit cards. (这家餐厅只接受现金支付,不接受信用卡。)

    We apologize for the inconvenience, but we currently don't have the ability to accept online payments. (我们对给您带来的不便表示歉意,但目前我们无法接受在线支付。)
