

第1个回答  2023-07-24



1、The soil in this area is very fertile, making it ideal for agriculture.这个地区的土壤非常肥沃,非常适合农业种植。

2、The erosion of soil is a serious environmental issue.土壤侵蚀是一个严重的环境问题。

3、It's important to conduct soil tests before planting crops.在种植作物之前进行土壤检测很重要。

4、The farmer used organic compost to improve the soil quality.农民使用有机堆肥来改善土壤质量。

5、The construction project required extensive excavation of the soil.这个建筑项目需要大量挖掘土壤。

6、Plants obtain essential nutrients from the soil.植物从土壤中获取必要的养分。

7、The study focused on the impact of soil pollution on groundwater.这项研究关注土壤污染对地下水的影响。

8、The farmers were taught proper soil conservation techniques.农民们学习了适当的土壤保护技术。

9、The soil in this region has a high clay content.这个地区的土壤含有大量的粘土。

10、The plants struggled to grow in the poor-quality soil.这些植物在质量较差的土壤中难以生长。
