初一(上)英语选择题及答案 (300道)


第1个回答  2022-10-05

初一(上)英语选择题及答案 (300道)

1.Lily was so ___looking at the picture that she fot the time.
2.Putting paper cuts on the windows ______ good luck.
A.means B.meaning
c.to mean D.mean
3.Look!Tony is wearing a_______coat!
A.beautiful long red
B.long red beautiful
C.red beautifuo long
D.long beautiful red
)21. My English name is ______. His Chinese name is ______.
A. Green Jim; Sun Hui Min
B. Jim Green; Sun Huimin
C. Green Jim; Sun Huimin
D. Jim Green; Sun Hui Min
( )22. -Is that a cake? - No, it is an ______.
A. apple B. banana C. pear D. bus
( )23. -Is it ______ eraser?
-No, it isn’t. It’s ______ sharpener.
A. an; a B. an; an C. a; a D. a; an
( )24. -_______ are you? -I am elve.
A. What B. How
C. What old D. How old
( )25. -Is that a Japanese car? -______
A. Yes, that is. B. Yes, it is.
C. No, it is. D. No, that isn’t.
( )26. -What’s eight ______ four?
-It’s ______.
A. plus; four B. minus; elve
C. plus; eleven D. minus; four
( )27. Lin Tao is in ______.
A. Class 5, Grade 1 B. Grade 1, Class 5
C. class 5, grade 1 D. grade 1, class 5
( )28. -______ you Wei Hua? -Yes, I ______.
A. Are; am B. Is; are
C. Are; is D. Is; am
( )29. -Wele to my school. -______
A. Goodbye! B. You’re wele.
C. Thank you! D. That’s all right.
( )30. Li Ming, this is Li Lei. ______
A. Li Lei, this is Li Ming.
B. That is Li Ming.
C. She is Li Ming. D. He is Li Ming.
II. 21-25 BAADB 26-30 DAACA
二. 单项选择,从各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入题中空白处的正确答案。(1×15)
1. Lucy is wearing a red coat today.
A. in B. putting on C. at
2. The box is very heavy .
A. light B. not light C. not heavy
3. I would like to have a cup of tea.
A. want B. is like C. look like
4. Have some water, please.
A. Eat B. Want C. Drink
5. He is at work.
A. working B. to work C. go to work
6. Tom, you must __________ your things.
A. look B. look at
C. look after D. look like
7. It's five in the afternoon. It's time __________.
A. to go to school B. go to school
C. to go home D. go home.
8. ------ What's Jim doing?
------ He's __________ a book.
A. seeing B. reading
C. watching D. looking
9. There are __________ on the floor.
A. four bags of rice B. four bag of rice
C. four bags rice D. four bag rice
10. These photos are his. They aren't __________.
A. my B. her C. me D. mine
11. ------ __________ they __________ an English class?
------ No, they aren't.
A. Are, having B. Are, have
C. Do, have D. Can, have
12. Where's my school bag ? I can't ___________ it.
A. look at B. find C. look for D. find out
13. ------What's that woman?
A. She' 40. B. She' fine.
C. She's a teacher. D. She's tall.
14. There ___________ a pen and o pencils in the pencils.
A. are B. is C. has D. have
15. _________ can you see on the table?
A. How many orange B. How much bottles of orange
C. How many bottle of orange D. How many bottles of orange
16. These are your socks, you must __________.
A. put away them B. to put away them
C. put them away D. to put them away
17. This bag of rice is too heavy ? Can you __________ it?
A. take B. carry C. get D. put
18. Can you play _________ or _________?
A. basketball, volleyball B. the basketball, volleyball
C. basketballs, volleyballs D. a basketball, a volleyball
19. There is __________ rice in the pot.
A. not some B. no any C. not much D. not many
20. ------__________?
------ Yes, some apples, please.
A. What do you want B. Nice to meet you
B. How are you D. Can I help you
答案;1------5 ABACA 6------10 CCBAD
11------15 ABCBD 16------20 CBACD




1. What is that? It is _________ (a, an, the) English book.
2. She is my friend. _________ (His, He, Her) name is Lucy.
3. Are ________ (this, these, that) your rulers? Yes, they are.
4. Where _______ (is, are, am) Jim and Bob?
5. What ________ (are, am, is) five and six?
6. That is a bird, I don't know ______ name. A. his B. her C. its D. it's
7. _______ 8 and 8?
A. What's B. Who's C. Whats D. That's
8. Are you ______? Yes, I am.
A. he friend B. his friend C. he's friend D. his friends
9. Are these pears? _______
A. Yes, these are B. No, they are. C. Yes, they aren't D. No, they aren’t.
10. A. elve B. eleven C. excuse D. eraser
11. A. buses B. names C. oranges D. boxes
12. A. down B. row C. know D. boat
13. A. today B. they C. way D. boy
14. A. bedroom B. pencil C. behind D. spell
15. A. boys B. eyes C. apples D. coats
16. This is a picture _______ a jeep.
A. at B. of C. on D. in
17. The woman _______ the red coat is our teacher.(填介词)
18. Is it a book? A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it's
19. 不含有音素[e]的字母 A. F B. N C. Y D. X
20. 不含有[e]的字母 A. G B. J C. Z D. M
21. 不含有[ju:] 的字母 A. W B. U C. Q D. I
22. Is her name Kate?
A. Yes, its B. No, she isn't C. Yes, she is. D. No, it isn't
23. How do you do ?
A. Nice to meet you. B. How are you
B. Glad to see you. D. How do you do
24. A. excuse (n.) B. excuse (v.) C. use (n.) D. useful
25. Which row are you in ?
A. Row three B. the third Row C. Row 3
1. an。English的第一个音为母音。
2. Her。
3. these。注意单数和复数。
4. are。注意单数和复数。
5. is。注意句子含意为:5加6是多少?
6. its。Its意为“它的”,it’s则为it is的缩写。
7. A。参见第5题。
8. B。注意单数和复数。
9. D。在此回答中习惯用they。
10. A。A读音为[e],其他读音为[i]。
11. B。B读音为[z],其他读音为[iz]。
12. A。A读音为[au],其他读音为[]。
13. D。D读音为[],其他读音为[]。
14. C。C读音为[],其他读音为[]。
15. D。D读音为[s],其他读音为[z]。请参见“读音规则”部分。
16. B。
17. in。表示穿着。
18. A。在此处,it is不能缩写。
19. C。
20. A。
21. D。
22. D。注意问句中主语为her name。
23. D。
24. B。B读音为〔z〕,其他读音为〔s〕。
25. C。专有名词要大写第一个字母。




1 C
2 B
3 B
4 C
teach *** sth 教某人学某物 是固定搭配
5 C
worry about 担心
6 C
sing a song 唱一首歌
7 A
答句中有Dance Club(舞蹈俱乐部),因此问句中应该是问什么俱乐部,因而用which
would like to do sth 想要做某事。
8 A
be good at 擅长
9 B

选择题 初一英语 求答案




5 D
6 D

