

第1个回答  2022-11-29


耳聋:deaf adj.聋的;失聪的;置若罔闻的

短语搭配:老年性耳聋  presbycusis  耳聋目眩  become both dazed and deaf  耳聋眼花  be hard of hearing and dim of sight  耳聋眼瞎  be deaf and blind


1.一次疾病使他终身耳聋。A disease deafened him for life.

2.耳聋者可以进这所特殊学校上学。The deaf can go to this special school.

3.向他叫喊是没有用的——他耳聋。It's no use shouting at him—he's deaf.

4.这是治疗耳聋的最新研究成果。This is the latest and rapidly improving treatments for deafness.

5.这是正常的,而且很少会导致耳聋。This is normal and rarely leads to deafness .

6.耳聋是有关耳聋的一些问题。And the issues with deafness.

7.强烈的噪音会导致老年性耳聋和耳鸣.Loud noise contributes to presbycusis and tinnitus.

8.丈夫耳聋,妻子眼瞎,方有安定之家。A husband must be deaf and the wife blind to have quietness .

9.耳聋是老年伴随而来的现象。Deafness is a frequent concomitant of old age.

10.我原以为耳聋就是一种疾病。I had thought of deafness entirely as an illness.
