法律英语课本原文翻译网 要用专业术语

法律英语课本原文翻译网 要用专业术语Generally,a person must have intended actual harm that in fact resulted __that is ,there is no criminal liability unless the criminal act and the required intent concur . Thus it is not murder if a man desires to kill his brother and , while driving to the store to purchase a gun for this purpose , accidentally runs over and kills his brother who happens to be crossing the stree . On the other hand ,if one intends harm to a particular person or object and ,in attempting to carry out that intent ,causes a similar harm to another person orobject, one's intent will be transferred from the target person or object to the person or object actually harmed . For example , if a woman shoots at a man with the intent to kill him but ,due to poor aim,misses the man and hits and kills a child nearby ,the shoote's intent to kill the man is transferred to the child and the woman is liable for the child's murder.

第1个回答  2017-12-28