

1. Read this article from a school magazine, which was written by Wei Hua, who  studied in the UK for one year.  看一看校刊上的这篇文章,是魏华写的,她曾在英国留学一年。

2. The assembly that/which all of the new students attended in the school hall was very important. 在学校礼堂所有新生都参加的那次集会非常重要。

3. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana.  我坐在名叫戴安娜的女孩旁边。

4. Mr. Heywood, who was my class teacher, was very helpful.  海伍德是我们班的老师,他很乐于助人。

5. I loved the lessons that/which she gave in English Literature.  我喜欢她上的英语文学课。

6. The homework that/which I used to get in my old school was quite heavy.  我在老学校做的作业挺多的。

7. All the homework that was written in English was a bit challenging for me at first.   用英文写的所有作业一开始对我来说有点挑战性。

8. All my classmates were fond of the cake that/which I made.  我的同学都喜欢我做的蛋糕。

9. In the Art class that/which I took, I made a small sculpture.   在美术课上我做了一个雕塑。

10.In the Art class, I made a small sculpture that/which did not look very beautiful.   在美术课上我做了一个不太好看的小雕塑。
