

第1个回答  2024-06-23
The China Resources Headquarters tower anchors the burgeoning Houhai District with a design distinguished by its innovative structure and geometric precision, relaying a cultural message about the company’s history and growth.
▼城市环境鸟瞰,urban context
▼建筑外观,exterior view
Inspired by the spring bamboo shoot, the 400-meter tower features a light, stable and fast-to-erect tube and diagrid system that is expressed in its tapered, sculptural form.
▼春笋般的自然形态,the form of the tower was inspired by the spring bamboo shoot
▼塔楼平面呈环形放射对称布局,a symmetric,radial layout
Rendered in pre-fabricated column and steel units, the system affords column-free interiors, in turn allowing greater expression of the tower’s radial symmetry and more boutique floorplates as it rises. The 56 vertical columns converge into 28 columns at the lower and upper sections of the tower, forming a series of entry portals at the tower’s base and merging to a singular point at its peak. At these junctures, faceted, triangular glass panels illuminate at night with a jewel-like brilliance across Shenzhen’s waterfront business district.
▼高400米的塔楼为深圳带来全新的城市风貌,the 400-meter tower features a light, stable and fast-to-erect tube and diagrid system that is expressed in its tapered, sculptural form
▼大厦底部和塔顶采用多面三角形玻璃面板,打造雕塑般的外形,triangular glass panels are used in base and top to express a sculptural exterior
▼结构细部,structure detail
▼室内设计呼应了整体钻石般的纹理,the interior design corresponds to the diamond-like pattern of the facade
▼大堂采用自然温润、富有细腻肌理的石灰石材料, limestone with a warm and exquisite texture is widely used in the lobby
▼大堂效果图,lobby interior (rendering)
In particular, the tower’s “sky hall” is as a conical, cathedral-like space offering visitors stunning views of the diagrid spire – it is one the few high-rises in the world in which people can occupy its absolute highest point. In this vein, China Resources Headquarters also crowns the larger, KPF-planned development that stitches retail, residential, and office amenities with 2,000 square meters of public space and the city’s greenbelt and waterfront. Together, the tower and complex invigorates Shenzhen’s urban fabric while providing one of the country’s premier companies with a visual icon for its historic growth and stature.
▼夜景,night view
▼仰视“空中大厅”的天顶,view to the ceiling of the “sky hall”
▼美轮美奂的圆锥形的空间以及精美的螺旋交叉结构令人惊叹,a conical, cathedral-like space offering visitors stunning views of the diagrid spire
▼“空中大厅”效果图, “sky hall” (rendering)
▼入口空间效果图,entrance area exterior view (rendering)
▼室内效果图,interior view (rendering)
▼外观效果图,exterior view (rendering)
▼设计示意图,design concept
▼场地平面图(塔顶视角),site plan (rooftop)
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼立面图和剖面图,elevation and section
▼局部剖面透视图,sectional perspective (partial)
中国华润大厦 位置:中国深圳
高度:400m 业主:中国华润集团 层数:66 设计顾问团队
灯光顾问:BPI碧谱照明 交通顾问:MVA弘达交通
景观顾问:PWP(方案设计)、office ma(方案设计)、KMCM广州市科美都市景观规划(施工图设计)