

第1个回答  2023-06-21



1、Boil a pot of water and cook the noodles in it.烧开一锅水,把面条放进去煮熟。

2、This flower pot is too small. I want to buy a bigger one.这个花盆太小,我想买一个大点的。

3、Before cooking, I wash the pot first.我在做饭之前,先把锅洗干净。

4、This dish requires a big pot to cook.这道菜需要一个大锅来煮。

5、Mom put a big bowl of soup in the pot.妈妈用锅装了一大碗汤。

6、I took out a pot and a frying pan from the cabinet.我从柜子里拿出了一个锅和一个平底锅。

7、He put the pot on the stove and started cooking rice.他把锅放在火炉上,开始煮饭。

8、If you need more storage space, you may consider buying a pot rack.如果你需要更多的储物空间,可以考虑购买一个锅架。

9、The restaurant provides a hot water pot and a tea pot for each table of customers.餐厅为每桌顾客提供一个热水壶和一个茶壶。

10、During your trip, you can bring a portable water pot to boil water or brew tea.在旅行中,你可以带一个便携式的水壶来烧水或者泡茶。
