

第1个回答  2022-12-17
1、精忠报国 【拼音】: jīng zhōng bào guó【解释】: 为国家竭尽忠诚,牺牲一切。【出处】: 《北史·颜之仪传》:“公等备受朝恩,当尽忠报国。”《宋史·岳飞传》:“初命何铸鞫之,飞裂裳以背示铸,有‘尽忠报国’四大字,深入肤理。【拼音代码】: jzbg【近义词】: 尽忠报国【反义词】: 卖国求荣【歇后语】: 岳飞背上刻金字【灯谜】: 岳飞背上文身用法】: 作谓语、定语;形容非常爱国【英文】: serve one's country with unreserved loyalty【故事】: 北宋末年,女真族建立大金国,直接威胁北宋的生存。岳飞的母亲在岳飞的背上刻下“精忠报国”四个大字,送19岁的岳飞从军。岳飞在抗金19年战斗中,打了许许多多胜仗,让金兵闻风丧胆。北宋灭亡后,他继续坚持抗金直到被害2、为国捐躯 【拼音】: wèi guó juān qū【解释】: 捐:献;躯:身体,指生命。为国家牺牲生命。【出处】: 明 · 许 仲 琳《封 神 演 义》第五十二回:“可怜成汤首相,为国捐躯。”【拼音代码】: wgjq【近义词】: 为国献身【歇后语】: 岳飞之死【用法】: 作谓语、定语;指为国家牺牲生命【英文】: the great sacrifice
第2个回答  2016-05-14

    Can you tell me if Jane comes from England?

    I don't know if Bill's father often rides a bike to work.

    I want to know if they can finish the work today.

    Miss Wang doesn't know if the students are interested in the movie.

    Please tell me if it is polite to touch a boy's head in Thailand.

第3个回答  2016-05-14
1.Can you tell me whether Jane comes from England?
2.I don't know if/whether Bill's father often ride a bike to work.
3.I want to know if they can finish the work today
4.Miss Wang does not know whether the students are interested in the movie
5.Please tell me whether it is polite to touch a boy's head in Thailand.追答

第二题often 后面改成rides

第4个回答  2016-05-14