

第1个回答  2006-11-17
People's Republic of China in the Asian continent in the east, the western Pacific Ocean.Its land area of about 9.6 million square kilometers, second only to Russia and Canada, is the world's third largest country.Mohe Chinese territory north of Heilongjiang middle of the river to the north (latitude 53 ° 30 ').Cengmuansha south to the southern tip of the Nansha Islands (4 ° latitude), the inter-more latitude 49 degrees;Heilongjiang and Wusuli River confluence of the East (east longitude 135 ° 05 ').West of the Pamirs (N 73 ° 40 '), cross-over 60 degrees longitude.From south to north, from east to west, more than 5,000 km in distance.China's 22,800 km long land border, east of North Korea, bordered to the north by Mongolia, Northeast neighbors Russia, Kazakhstan Northwest neighborhood,Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and the western and southwestern Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and other countries bordering.South and Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam linked.Eastern and south-eastern South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, across the sea.Air China to view the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi coastline of about 18,000 km.Flatness of the coast, many fine Harbor, most of the year for the ice-free port.China's eastern and southern verge of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea.4.73 million square kilometers of sea areas.China's Bohai seas, the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea is on the verge of Pacific sea.In Chinese waters, distributed 5,400 islands.One of the biggest for the island, with an area of 36,000 square kilometers; Second, Hainan Island, with an area of 34,000 square kilometers.Located northeast of the island off the island of Lantau red tail, is the most eastern island.Scattered in the South China Sea islands, reefs, islands are collectively known as the South China Sea, China's southernmost island group.according to their different positions as the Dongsha Islands, the Xisha Islands, the Pratas Islands and the Spratly Islands.China is the world's most populous country.According to the National Bureau of Statistics on February 28, 2005 "issued by the People's Republic of China in 2004 national economic and social development statistics"the end of 2004 China's total population of 1.29988 billion people.China's population aged 60 years and over 145 million.2 at 0:00 a.m. on January 6, 2005, China's 1.3 billion citizens born in Beijing Maternity Hospital.This day has become "China's 1.3 billion population."Male citizens of this small and weighing 3,660 grams or 52 centimeters in length."" January 2005, the latest statistics show Beijing's public security authorities,Beijing's actual population (including residence and mobile populations), has reached 15.244 million people.July 26, 2006, DING Xiang-Yang, director of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission disclosed that at the end of June 2006.Beijing's permanent population reached 11.865 million people.Henan is China's first Population Large, as at the end of 2005 the province's population of about 97 million.In August 2006, the Hong Kong SAR Census and Statistics Department released the latest figures show that by mid-2006.Hong Kong's population of 699.45 million (provisional figures), an increase of 58,600 people, with a growth rate of 0.8%."" Macao Statistics and Census Bureau, the latest information shows that on June 30, 2006.Macao's resident population was estimated at 503,000, representing an increase of about 26,000 people in 2005.This is the first time Macao resident population over 500,000."" According to Taiwan's statistics department statistics, as of the end of September 2006, Taiwan's total population of 22.84 million.year, an increase of 94,000, to 2.26 million people over 65 years.The average one person every 10 elderly people."" November 9, 2005, the Chinese Ministry of Construction Liu Zhifeng, vice minister said that China's current urban population of about 540 million.41.8% of the total population."" Since ancient times, China is a unified multi-ethnic country.After the founding of New China, and through the identification of a total of 56 ethnic groups recognized by the central government.Since Han Han population of the other 55 ethnic groups is relatively small, usually referred to as "minority."China is a multi-religion country.There are religious followers in China believe in Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.According to incomplete statistics, China now has more than 100 million religious believers, religious activities 8. 5 million,religious about 300,000 people, more than 3,000 religious organizations.Violate a train clergy of religious institutions 74.The main characteristics of religion in China, "" In China, the Chinese Buddhist Association, a national religious organization, the China Taoist Association.China Islamic Association, the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association and Chinese Catholic Bishops College, the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee of Protestant Churches of China.China Christian Association.All religious organizations in accordance with their constitution elections, leaders and leadership."" Buddhism and Buddhist history of the major factions -- the history of Buddhism in China for 2000.China now has more than 130 Buddhist temples, with about 200,000 monks and nuns, monks, including Buddhist lamas in the Tibetan-language.nun about 120,000 people living more than 1,700 people, organizers said more than 3,000 blocks; Barrie, the author of Buddhist monks.Elders of nearly 10,000 people, organizers said more than 1,600 blocks."" China Taoist history and its major factions -- Taoism originated in China, has over 1,700 years of history.China now has more than 1,500 Taoist temples, with road-kun Road. 5 million people."" Islam and Islamic history -- the history of Islam was introduced to China in the seventh century AD.Islam returned to China, the Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in the belief 10.More than 2,000 people are Muslim, more than 30,000 blocks of existing mosques, the imams, Imam 4 million people."" Catholic history -- the history of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church in China since the seventh century AD onwards into China several times.After the Opium War in 1840 imported large.China now has about five million Catholics, about 4,000 teaching staff, church, club buildings in 4600."" Christianity and the history of Christianity -- the history of Chinese Christian (Protestant) was introduced to China in the early 19th century AD.After the Opium War in large cases.China now has about 10 million Christians, church missionary personnel. 8 million people, the church is one. Block 2 million.Simple activities (meeting point) 2. 5 million Department."" China statutory holidays are : New Year (January 1), the national holiday; Spring Festival (Lunar New Year), the three-day holiday;International Women's Day (March 8); Arbor Day (March 12); International Labor Day (May 1st).National day holiday; Chinese Youth Day (May 4); International Nurses Day (May 12);Children's Day (June 1st); anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (July 1);PLA Army Day (August 1); Teacher's Day (September 10); National Day (October 1st).National day holiday; Journalist's Day (November 8).Deputies to China's traditional festivals into a statutory holiday is a major traditional holiday for the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival.Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and so on.In addition, minorities have retained their traditional festivals, such as Dai Water-splashing Festival, the Mongolian nationality.Yi's Torch, the Facilities section Yao, Bai March Street, Zhuang's Folksong, Tibetan Tibetan calendar year and Wangguo Festival,Miao's Flower Festival, etc. jump.
第2个回答  2006-11-17
THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA is a country with a long history and ancient civilization. As early as 4,000 BC, there were settlements in the range of Yellow River. Chinese always tell their history from the Xia Dynasty, which began in the 21st century BC and was followed by all the ddynasties until 1911 when Sun Yat-sen was proclaimed the president of the Republic of China. In 1921, the Communist Party of China was founded. After this, the communist cooperated with Sun Yat-sen's Nationalists, but broke with the Nationalist after Sun died. Then the Communist Party began to establish its army, called as Red Army. Shortly before the Anti-Japanese War (1936-1945) the Red Army formally established Through protracted and arduous struggle under the leadership of the party and her chairman, Mao Zedong, the Chinese people founded the People's Republic of China in 1949. After 1949, The People's Republic of China (also called as New China locally) experienced the Korea Wall with Americans, and about 10 years rapid growing period, and then suffered a 3-year long hard time because of natural disasters and withdraw of Soviet Union's aid. From 1966-1976 China had its "Cultural Revolution", a nation-wide movement against feudalism (also including religion) and capitalism. As a result, China's economy was stopped. After 1978, when Mr. Deng Xiaoping came into the top leader, China began a reform and opening program, and has enjoyed a 20 years of rapid development.

第3个回答  2006-11-17
第4个回答  2006-11-17

RMB exchange rate reform--decided out of China's own need
When the national economic statistics of the first half of this year were just released on July 20, people were immersed in analysis and judgment of the economic situation.

At 7:00 on the evening of July 21, after only one day, the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, announced a world-shaking news: With approval from the State Council, from July 21, China began to institute a regulated, managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand and in reference to a basket of currencies.

A reform independently decided out of own need
The reform is an important policy decision made out of the actual needs of China's reform and development, rather than under certain international pressure.

As is emphasized by Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the central bank: "This represents a kind of self-decision and is the need of China's march to a socialist market economy and optimization of resources allocation and the need for reform and long-term stable development, rather than a result gained after communication and consultation with other countries."

In 1994, China reformed its double-track exchange rate system and introduced the unification of exchange rates. After the unification, China instituted a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand.

In plain words, this exchange rate system means: Selling or buying foreign exchange by enterprises and individuals has to be carried out through designated foreign exchange banks; these designated banks, in turn, enter the inter-bank foreign exchange market, or sell their surplus foreign exchange to other banks to gain the people's currency, or use the RMB to buy foreign currencies from other banks to make up the shortage of foreign exchange; this buying and selling, supply and demand give rise to price parity between the RMB and foreign currencies, or called the RMB exchange rate; meanwhile, the central bank sets up a certain floating limit to the exchange rate, foreign exchange is bought up when supply exceeds demand, sold out when it is in short supply. Doing so aims to maintain a basic stability of the RMB exchange rate through such a regulating method.

Before 1997, RMB exchange rate was stable with a bit rise, and for this reason, people at home and abroad had growing confidence in the RMB. But thereafter the Asian financial crisis broke out, in order to prevent an alternate depreciation of currencies in Asian neighbors and a resultant deepening of the crisis, China, as a large responsible country, promised not to devalue the RMB and took the initiative to narrow the floating band of exchange rate, but the goal for instituting a managed floating exchange rate regime remained unchanged.

We should say that the managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand conforms to China's national conditions for it adapts to the stage of China's economic development, the level of financial supervision and administration and enterprises' sustainability. However, along with the evolvement of the situation, the necessity of perfecting the RMB exchange rate determination mechanism has revealed itself with each passing day. In other words, what is to be changed in the RMB exchange rate reform is not the RMB exchange rate system, still less permission of a revaluation, but rather it is designed to perfect the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism.

Improving the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism is the inherent requirement for the establishment of a sound socialist market economy system, as well as an important content of deepening reform to the economic-financial system and strengthening the macro-control system.

In recent years, along with the rapid growth of China's exports and foreign investments, correspondingly, in the balance of payments statement, it is shown a "double surpluses" of the current account and the capital account; in the inter-bank foreign exchange market, it is manifested as a continuous stream of foreign exchange and that the supply exceeds the demand.

In order to stabilize the RMB exchange rate, the central bank cannot but passively purchase a huge amount of foreign exchange, correspondingly, it will provide a huge supply of RMB, consequently increasing the monetary base.

Statistics show that the basic currency supplied in such a way has accounted for 90 percent of the total of basic currency. The independence of the monetary policy is subject to serious challenge. The too rapid growth of money supply would give rise to such problems as investment expansion, inflationary pressure and assets bubble.

Perfecting the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism and allowing it to be more elastic make it possible to give better play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of resources; this helps improve the initiative and efficiency of financial regulation and control and thus helps strengthen and improve macro regulation and control.

Perfecting the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism is conducive to implementation of the strategy for the sustainable development of the economy based mainly on domestic demand and to optimization of resources allocation.

Experts put it frankly that if the original exchange rate formation mechanism is stuck to for a long time, it will likely affect improvement of the economic structure.

Firstly, it will encourage the uneven development between foreign-related departments and domestic departments.

Secondly, it will affect the coordinated proportion among the three major industries (primary, secondary and tertiary).

Thirdly, it will hamper the normal transfer of industry from coastal areas to the inland. Inordinate stability of the exchange rate makes it possible for rough machining labor-intensive production to exist in coastal areas and to lack driving force and pressure to shift toward central and western regions.

Perfecting the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism and properly increasing the elasticity of exchange rate will increase the uncertainty of risk capital flows gains, which helps curb massive unilateral flows of capital, guard against and obviate financial risks and maintain financial stability.

Excessive rigidity of exchange rate reduces the exchange rate risks of venture capital flows, is likely to cause massive in and out of venture capital and to bring impacts on economic development and financial stability. The Mexican financial crisis in 1994 and the Asian financial crisis in 1997 were both directly associated with this.

Regarding this, Zhou Xiaochuan has a very vivid metaphor. He said: "A fixed exchange rate is like a shield in the hand when fighting, however you attack me, I will remain unmoved; if I fail to hold on, the impact will cause influence. A floating exchange rate is like a foam-rubber cushion, if you want to fight your way in, I'll react softly, ok, you've come in, but I won't let you hit me; when you want to quit, I'll give you a pinch and let you go only after you have taken a layer of your skin off."

Perfecting the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism facilitates the development of the foreign economy. This move helps spur the enterprise to strengthen technical innovation, management innovation and the creation of a brand name and to strengthen marketing, after-sale service, thereby fundamentally enhance the enterprise's competitiveness; it also helps maintain a basic balance between import and export and improve trading conditions.

Reform is a must and is imminent.

Experts put it frankly that if RMB exchange rate reform is delayed indefinitely, it will bring about three major risks.

First is the risk of domestic economic bubble. If the monetary base grows too big, it will cause inflation when flowing to the commodity market; when the money flows to the capital market, it will lead to a bubble of assets. The emergence of economic bubble will aggravate the frailty of the financial system and will reduce the capability to resist monetary impacts.

Second is the risk of weakening the independence of monetary policy. The principle of the "Mundell ternary paradox" tells us that of the three things: full capital opening, independent monetary policy and stable exchange rate, a country can only choose two, and cannot have all three.

Third is the risk of a reversion of the situation. If the exchange rate must be reformed, then an active reform is better than a passive one; reform carried out under revaluation pressure is better than reform carried out under devaluation pressure.

Internationally, since the 1990s, Poland has experienced the evolution from a managed floating exchange rate system under which its currency was pegged to one, or a basket of currencies to a free floating exchange rate system. Because its exchange rate system was actively adjusted in light of changes in domestic and foreign situations, therefore it could avoid to the maximum possible economic-social upheavals.

While Thailand had, before 1997, all along pegged its currency to the US dollar without changing its exchange rate system, as a result, the country was compelled to drastically devalue its currency during the Asian financial crisis, thus resulting in the outbreak of the monetary and financial crisis.

The opportunity for exchange rate reform often appears only in a twinkle. When opportunity comes, it is imperative to seize it!

To put it in a nutshell, RMB exchange rate reform is by no means "you want me to reform it", but rather it is "I want to change it"!





守岁习俗兴起于南北朝,梁朝的不少文人都有守岁的诗文。“一夜连双岁,五更分二年。”人们点起蜡烛或油灯,通宵守夜,象征着把一切邪瘟 病疫照跑驱走,期待着新的一年吉祥如意。这种风俗被人们流传至今。















The Chinese New Year is traditional festival that China is rich with most the special features.It symbolizes the lunar calendar for old year to end.
New year has already start.The people will take leave cold monotonous of winter, greet the organic full of life spring.
A" New Year's Day" of Chinese New Year, a 杜 set 卿 says in 《 five candle treasure 典s 》 :" In order to carry the month, January it is a dollar on first day, as well cloud just dynasty, as well a 朔 of cloud."" Dollar" of original meaning is" head", lead the 申 behind in order to" start", because is a year of first day this day, the first day of the spring, the first day of the January, so be called" three dollars";Because is still a year old this day toward, month toward, day toward, so call" three dynasties" again;Again it is the first day of 朔 , so call" a 朔 " again.Wu of Sung explains in 《 the dream beam record 》 from the herding:" The January 朔 day, the New Year's Day that call".《 Say the text solution word 》 medium to" 旦 " word of hermeneutic for" see from the day an up, a, ground also." Meant the sun to just rise from the horizon rising, is a matutinal meaning.Because it means a year of the first morning respectively, the first morning of the January, so call" New Year's Day" and" positive 旦 "s.
In addition to above-mentioned title, the Chinese New Year still call" open the year"," begin a new year"," year old of 芳 "," year old of 华 " etc., in many titles with call" New Year's Day" the most widespread, time is most long-last.
Because of the previous dynasties style dissimilarity, the season of the New Year's Day place is also different.The style of the Chinese ancient times is a yin and yang to match the 历 , need at the same time in consideration of the position of the sun and moon, past certain New Year's Day, need certain first it is in a certain season, then make selection with this season the close by month of 朔 is the New Year's Day.Because a years old proceeds together with 12 lunar calendar not equal, differ about 11 days, so separate 3 years to need to establish an intercalary month each 本回答被提问者采纳