帮忙写一篇内容为如何提高英语写 作水平的英语作文 一、要有自信心;二、大量阅读可以提高写作水

帮忙写一篇内容为如何提高英语写 作水平的英语作文

一、要有自信心;二、大量阅读可以提高写作水平;三、多背诵 ;四、写日记

第1个回答  2014-10-12
How to improve your writing skills in En glish? There is no short-cut to improve your w riting. The key answer to this question i s practice. Before you start it, make a pl an for your day by day practice. Firstly, f ind an interesting topic, something you can talk about. This theme needs to be simple when you first try, because you d on't want to get into a political or medic al discussion right away as you are not even familiar with that in Chinese. A goo d suggestion is to begin with a short par agraph of describing an object. It is muc h easier than a discussion. Secondly, do not set up an unreachable goal. 80 to 10 0 words at one time are good enough. Y ou can also continue the same topic as l ast time, but give out more examples to support same discussion, or you can ch ange your argument to the opposite sid e. At last, learn from others. Find some good writings. The ideal case is that sea rch some articles talking about the som e topic as you practiced. Try to inmate h ow they elaborate their opinions and wh at they use to support their discussions. If you really like a certain style of writing , then memorize that and use the new w ords and phrases you learn in your futur e practice.
第2个回答  2014-10-12