

第1个回答  2022-10-04
问题一:请求,要求,用英语怎么说 ask,request,require,望采纳

问题二:请求英文翻译 Thanks for your E-mail,
As electronic invoice can not be used in financial bookkeeping,
could you please send the paper invoice to the address below?
Thank you!!

问题三:要求,请求的英文翻译 demand 比较强硬。例如 they demanded his resignation. (他们要求他辞职。)
request 比较中性。例如 They requested a tour to learn about the heritage of brand Coca-Cola. (他们请求 ...)

问题四:"我有一个请求" 英语怎么说? May I have a request?
可以can I as鼎 you for something或者some help

问题五:英语中表委婉的请求有什么?(至少6种啊) I would be grateful if you ......
I would appreciate if you ......
I would like to (请求) you to do .....
I am sorry to trouble you but +提问者想做的事情
sth is also a another encouragement for us
It is m矗 pleasure to 请求 you ......

问题六:我请求你出来吧英文怎么说 10分 I do beg you to e our.
beg请求,恳求, beg *** . to do s户h. 恳求某人做某事, do在句中加强语气
She begged him to remain at home. 她恳求他呆在家里。

问题七:“我希望你可以答应我的请求”用英语怎么说 I hope you can give me permission

问题八:请求支援 翻译成英语怎么说 请求支援
request support ; ask for support ; call for support ; call in help ; call for backup ; for reinforcement ; ask for assistance