小学英语作文 厨房


第1个回答  2022-11-06
My mother's kitchen is *** all.There is a electric cooker in the kitchen.Mother uses it to cook every day. There is refrigerator in the kitchen.There are lots of delicious food in the fridge.There is a bunch of beautiful flowers in the fridge.There is a cupboard in the kitchen.Our bowls are in there.There is a *** all tea table in the middle of the kitchen,There is a *** all coffee table in the middle of the kitchen. It is filled with vegetables and fruits.Every noon, there is always a figure in the kitchen, it is my dear mother. My mother's cooking is always we eat, because it is very delicious。 Mom's kitchen is *** all,but I like it very much.Because my mother's delicious food is made from there. 妈妈的厨房很小,在厨房里有一套电炊具,妈妈每天都用它做我们最爱吃的饭菜。厨房里有一台冰箱。冰箱里有许多美味的食物。在冰箱上有一束漂亮的花。在厨房里有一个碗柜,我们的碗都在里面。厨房中间有一个小茶几,上面放满了蔬菜和水果。每到中午,厨房中总是有一道的身影,那便是我亲爱的妈妈。妈妈做的饭菜总是被我们吃的一干二净,因为实在是太美味了。 妈妈的厨房虽小,但我依旧很喜欢它。因为妈妈做的好吃的饭菜都是产自那里。 望采纳。   支持一下感觉挺不错的
