用英文(be going to)翻译下星期日我要去看望我的朋友

还有用(will)翻译今晚将有一场足球比赛,她会帮助你学习吗?,你们明天将要干什么?,后天你和我一起去公园吗?和(be going in)翻译会议将在7点钟开始。

第1个回答  2010-03-02
i will be going to visit my friends the next Sunday . there will be a football game tonight,will she help you with your studying ? what will you be doing tomorrow ? will you go to park with me the day after tomorrow ? the meeting will be going in at 7:00.
第2个回答  2010-03-01
I am going to visit my frends next sunday.
今晚将有一场足球比赛. There will be a football game tonight.
她会帮助你学习吗? She will help you to learn?
What will you do tomorrow?
Will you go to thhe park with me the day after tomorrow?
Translation meeting will begin at 7 o'clock.
第3个回答  2010-03-03
I'm going to visit one of my friend next Sunday.
There will be a football match.
will she help you study?
what will you do tomorrow?
will you go to park with me the day after tomorrow?

the meeting is going to begin at 7 o'clock.
第4个回答  2010-03-01
I am going to visit my friends next sunday.
What will you do tomorrow?
The metting will be going in 7 o'clock.本回答被网友采纳