
1.我渴了,想喝一杯茶。你呢? (feel like)
2.自从在那次事故中受伤后,他行动迟缓多了。 (slow down)
3.这个城市里有许多旅游景点。 (tourist attraction)
4.因为雨水充沛,今年庄稼长势好。 (be thick with)
5.历史博物馆位于火车站附近。 (locat in)


第1个回答  2010-01-10
1. I'm thirsty and I feel like a cup of tea. What about you?
2. His behavior became slow down since he got hurt at that accident.
3. There are many tourist attractions in this city.
4. The fields are thick with crops because of the rainfall this year
5. The Historical Musuem is located in train stration nearby.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-01-10
1.I feel like thirty,I'd like a cup of tea.What about you ?
2.Since he has been injured in that accident,he slowed down.
3.There are a great many of tourist attraction in this city.
4.It is thick with rain,so that the farm crops will be good this year.
5.Histry Museum located in the place around Train Station.
第3个回答  2010-01-10
第4个回答  2010-01-10
1 I feel like having a cup of tea. What about you?
2 He slow down much ever since sustaining the injury in that accident.
3 This city has a lot of tourist attractions.
4 The fields are thick with crops because of bountiful rainfall this year.
5 This museum of history is located in the neighbourhood of the railway station.
第5个回答  2010-01-10
i'm ...and feel like a cup of tea,and you?
he's moving slow down since he got hurt in that accident.
there are much tourist attractions in this city.
the crop grow better because the thick with rain.
the history museum locat in the near of train station