

第1个回答  2023-01-09


(1) Be quick! We must catch the early bus.

A. be in time forB. hold

C. have D. get on

(2) Tom was here just now. He may have gone to the reading room.

A. at the moment B. just then

C. a short time ago D. right away

(3) —Hi, have you found your lost book?

—Not yet. I have looked for it everywhere, but I still haven't found it.

A. here and there B. somewhere

C. over there D. at those places

(4) Please hand me the book, John.

A. send B. buy C. leave D. pass

(5) Mum has a bad headache. We have to send for the doctor at once.

A. ask the doctor to come B. find the doctor by ourselves

C. send the doctor away D. go to the doctor's


这几个题考查词义辨析.(1) catch的意思为“赶上”;而hold则为“抓住,握住”;get on则为“上(车,船飞机等)”;have的意思是“拥有”;in time的意思是“及时,准时”;故应选A. (2) just now的意思是“刚才”,而just then的意思是“那时”;at the moment为“此时,现在”;right away为“立即,马上”,故应选A.(3) everywhere的意思是“到处”;而somewhere 为“某处”;over there“在那儿”;at those place“在那地方”,故应选A.(4) hand的意思是“递给”,而send的意思是“送”;buy则为“买”;leave的意思是“留下”;pass的意思为“传递”;应选D. (5) send for的意思是“派人去请……”;ask the doctor to come 的意思是“请医生来”,send… away“送走”;go to me doctor's“去医生家(或疹所),故应选A.”


(1) A (2) C (3) A (4) D (5) A

- 《替换划线部分典型例题解析(1)》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/