英语作文 假设你是一名导游

英语作文 假设你是一名导游 如题,明天要带一队外国游客参观人民公园,从电台知道今夜有强北风,气温下降5至8度,明天上午有阵雨,请大家注意带雨具,一些活动可能要推迟或取消,明早要多穿衣服,以防感冒。 就是这些内容,在晚餐前的一点时间向游客说明。 在线等一小时,手机打字真费劲,先谢了。

第1个回答  2009-12-19
all the tourists:i feel sorry to tell you some information about tomorrow's plan about our visit.it is reported by the radio that there will be strong northern wind there,meanwhile,the temperature will decreses by 5 to 8 degrees.Besides there will be rain shower during our journey morning tomorrow,so i recommend all to take rain tools in order not to be caught in the rain.It is obvious that some activities will be delayed or eliminated and i think we all had better put on more clothes to prevent you from cold.next,soon you will enjoy your dinner!that is all,thank you!本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-12-19