初三英语作文十单元。假如你是李磊,3个月后你要去美国当交换生. 兴奋

初三英语作文十单元。假如你是李磊,3个月后你要去美国当交换生. 兴奋之余,你还有点担心.给你的美国笔友Michael 写一封信.请求帮助.请根据下列提示内容及要求. 1.口语不好,担心和寄宿家庭交流不

第1个回答  2017-01-02
I have been three for a year,as you knowthat I am a exchangestudent .Everytihing is strangethanks to my teachers and friends' help ,i have leant much..In the past few years I have been in the school club,we have leant from each other,and helped from each other .When I had problems they always helped me ..And also I have been to mang places in interest such as The Great Wall ,The Summer palace ,Tian'an quarter and so on.Also I have tasted the delicious food China is a country with a long history本回答被网友采纳