

我认认真真的看了《功夫熊猫》这部动画电影,虽说这是一部动画,可其中却蕴涵着很多哲理,让我受益菲浅。其中功夫大师乌龟说了很多意味深长的话,如:Yesterday is history .Tomorrow is a mystery .But today is a gift .That is why it’s called the present (the gift) ;又如: Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 这些话都是很有哲理的,当我静静的看影片时就已经被这只老乌龟折服了,它说:There are no accidents .是啊,生活中是没有意外的,凡是获得了成功的人一定付出了努力,成功的背后挥洒了多少汗水啊,我现在吊儿郎当还叫苦叫累,天天光想着怎么玩好吃好喝好,到时候又怎么能“意外”的考上好大学呢?

第1个回答  2010-10-11
1.The 20th century at the beginning of the 21st century, more and more families to buy a car. Indeed, the cars of the great convenience for people to travel, but, with the increasing number of cars, more and more problems are exposed gradually. Excessive cars cause traffic jam phenomenon fiercer, parking space is in short supply, especially in large and medium cities, daily cars speed than bicycle! This is a serious problem in the root cause of the car is too much. Within one year 2009 China vehicle increased more than 1300 million cars! I have the following Suggestions: first, energetically advocate public transportation, Second, advocating people bike riding, still can exercise, Third, strengthen the management of traffic. Hope we can improve the traffic!

2.I serious look KFP this animated film, though it is an animated, one can contain many philosophy, let me. The tortoise said of kung fu master many meaningful words, such as: Yesterday is usually go promote a receiver and a costomers se it the present (the available advertising), And as: mind is water, that is, regardless of it is agitated, it and decide to allow Your one answer, it becomes clear. These words are very philosophy, when I watch films have quietly by the old tortoise, it said impressed affiliate no presence. Yes, life is not accidental, every successful person must pay efforts, the success of many sweat asperses behind, I now lad is complaining that tired, how about every light, then play delicious good drink how can "accidental" admitted to university?
Kung fu panda, the 3D video about ordinary people dream of success, thought-provoking, and film, music is great, and there is proper, can help me vivid humorous ascending oral English, after watching this movie is really quite good, feel the teacher assigned this assignment is awesome!

希望我的回答有所帮助!~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
第2个回答  2010-10-07
1、The 20th century at the beginning of the 21st century, more and more families to buy a car. Indeed, the cars of the great convenience for people to travel, but, with the increasing number of cars, more and more problems are exposed gradually. Excessive cars cause traffic jam phenomenon fiercer, parking space is in short supply, especially in large and medium cities, daily cars speed than bicycle! This is a serious problem in the root cause of the car is too much. Within one year 2009 China vehicle increased more than 1300 million cars! I have the following Suggestions: first, energetically advocate public transportation, Second, advocating people bike riding, still can exercise, Third, strengthen the management of traffic. We hope that the traffic
I serious look KFP this animated film, though it is an animated, one can contain many philosophy, let me. The tortoise said of kung fu master many meaningful words, such as: Yesterday is usually go promote a receiver and a costomers se it the present (the available advertising), And as: mind is water, that is, regardless of it is agitated, it and decide to allow Your one answer, it becomes clear. These words are very philosophy, when I watch films have quietly by the old tortoise, it said impressed affiliate no presence. Yes, life is not accidental, every successful person must pay efforts, the success of many sweat asperses behind, I now lad is complaining that tired, how about playing every light, delicious good drink good本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-10-10
第4个回答  2010-10-09