第三节书面表达(共1题, 满分20分)随着电脑普及率的提高,一些家长和学生对书写的重视程度降低了。据一

第三节书面表达(共1题, 满分20分)随着电脑普及率的提高,一些家长和学生对书写的重视程度降低了。据一项调查显示,有85%的学生说自己的书写不好看,而他们又不想改善书写。他们陈述了各自的理由(如下图)。请结合该图,写一篇英语短文,阐明该现象及其理由并发表自己的看法(至少两点)。 4%

注意:1. 不要逐句翻译,但可适当增加内容,使行文连贯;2. 词数120左右;3.开头已给出,但不计入总词数。Nowadays, with the growing popularity of computers, some students and their parents are paying less and less attention to handwriting.According to a recent survey,____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

第1个回答  2015-01-18

Nowadays, with the growing popularity of computers, some students and their parents are paying less and less attention to handwriting.
According to a recent survey, about 85 percent of the middle school students think that their handwriting is poor. However, many students don’t want to improve their handwriting for various reasons. 52% of the students think that there is no need to waste time improving their handwriting because they can just use a computer. And about one third believe that they are too busy with their studies to find time to practice. Besides, 11% think that practicing handwriting is so difficult that they can’t make great progress in a short time.
As the saying goes, writing style shows the man. Students’ beautiful and neat handwriting is beneficial to themselves. What’s more, good handwriting is always appreciated by people, especially by teachers. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on this aspect in future.
