只会 a sense of humor 还不够!这些 sense of 用法也该要会


第1个回答  2022-10-04

看完影片后,你是否对「冒名顶替症候群」有更深一层的认识了呢?介绍过程中,讲者提到许多抽象的心理感受,像是「欺骗感」(a feeling of fraudulence)、「冒名顶替感」(a feeling of imposteri *** )、「不安全感」(a sense of insecurity)。中文也有许多表达内心感受的词汇,像是「成就感」、「挫败感」、「归属感」等。这些感受对应到英文会怎么说呢?一起看看吧!

⊕ 内心感受

要表达情绪感受时,可以用 a sense of… 或 a feeling of… 这样的表达法。例如:


● a sense / feeling of well-being 幸福感

● a sense / feeling of satisfaction 满足感

● a sense / feeling of relief 解脱感

Being with my family gives me a great sense of well-being. That’s why I often go back to my hometown.


● a sense / feeling of loneliness 寂寞感

● a sense / feeling of emptiness 空虚感

You might feel a sense of loneliness when you move to a new city. But as time goes by, everything will turn out fine.



● a sense / feeling of achievement 成就感

● a sense / feeling of pride 自豪感

● a sense / feeling of superiority 优越感

If you find this job boring, why not apply for a job that gives you a sense of achievement?


● a sense / feeling of defeat 挫败感

● a sense / feeling of frustration 沮丧感

● a sense / feeling of disappointment 失望感

● a sense / feeling of inferiority 自卑感

Tony experienced a deep sense of defeat when he failed the exam. He shut himself in his room, not letting anyone in.

(Tony 考试不及格后感到十分挫败。他把自己关在房间,不让任何人进去。)


● a sense / feeling of panic 恐慌感

● a sense / feeling of doom 末日感

● a sense / feeling of shame 羞愧感

● a sense / feeling of guilt, guilty feelings 内疚感

Mary couldn't shake the intense feeling of guilt after she lied to her parents, so she told them the truth the next day.

(Mary 骗了父母之后摆脱不了强烈的内疚感,所以隔天就跟他们说实话了。)


● a sense / feeling of belonging 归属感

● a sense / feeling of identity 认同感

● a sense / feeling of self-worth 自我价值感

As a second-generation immigrant, he spent most of his life seeking a sense of belonging and identity.


⊕ 天赋能力

如果要表达「幽默感」等天赋能力,则可以用 a sense of… 这个表达法。例如:

● a sense of humor 幽默感

● a sense of balance 平衡感

● a sense of direction 方向感

● a sense of rhythm 节奏感

The speaker brought the house down with his quick wit and sense of humor.




(本文刊载于希平方-线上学英文〈只会 a sense of humor 还不够!这些 sense of 用法也该要会〉,未经授权,不得转载。)
