

第1个回答  2022-11-01

  What causes a beer belly?

  When you drink beer, your liver has to go into overdrive to detoxify the alcohol. Now add a few packets of crisps to the equation, maybe some peanuts and those calories are there to stay. Beer itself is pretty calorific stuff, to the tune of around 150 calories a unit so why beer makes you fat, well that starts to seem obvious.


  Now why does it give you a beer belly specifically? Well the answer is down to two things apparently - gender and age. After about the age of 35 most men' *** etaboli *** s start to slow down. While men tend to put weight on their...bellies, women's fat stores monly go on their backside and hips.



  1. beer belly 啤酒肚,也叫beer gut。belly肚子,bell钟,ball球,bullet子弹,billiards台球,这些单词都含有b...ll的组合,可以认为它们都和"圆"相关。

  【例】He was short and fat, with a large beer belly. 他又矮又胖,挺着个大大的啤酒肚。

  (来源:Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 5th Edition)

  2. go into overdrive 加速;卖力

  【例】She always goes into overdrive before the holidays. 她总是在放假前特别努力。

  (来源:Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary)

  3. detoxify 清除毒素;解毒。toxic是"有毒的",de-代表除去,如defrost除霜 = de除去 + frost霜,decode解码 = de除去 + code码。

  【例】detoxify the bloodstream 清除血液中的毒素

  (来源:Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary)

  4. to the tune of 多达;高达

  【例】Canada is funding the programme to the tune of $ 30 million. 加拿大为这个项目拨的款多达3000万美元。

  (来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

  5. specifically 具体来说;确切地说

  【例】We've been married now for over thirty years, specifically since 1972. 到现在我们结婚都30年了,具体来说是1972年结的。

  (来源:MacMillan English Dictionary - American)

  6. metaboli *** 新陈代谢

  【例】Exercise is supposed to speed up your metaboli *** . 锻炼身体能加快新陈代谢。

  (来源:Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
