

第1个回答  2022-11-01

Why do you do what you do?

It’s a serious question and one you’re likely not askedall that often.

Take a look at what you do each day and ask yourself “why am I doing this?”
On a typical day I’m up with my kids
playing with them
tending to them
teaching them. Why do I do it? Because I love them
I want them to have our values
I want to teach them and I want to experience what it’s like to be a mom. I could choose to go back to a job outside of the home and earn a fairly good ine
but I choose to stay home because it just feels like the right thing to do … for me.I realize that this isn’t a luxury a lot of people have despite wanting it and believe me when I say I am grateful for being able to stay at home with my kids.


I write. Why? Because it allows me to get in touch with my creative side
something I didn’t get to do too often when I was heavily embedded in the sciences. Writing helps me gather and focus my thoughts. It allows me to.


I coach/consult people. Why? Because it allows me to work in a way that I’m passionate about
I am able to contribute financially to my family
and it’s helping me get closer to my goal of personally funding 2 Children’s wishes for the Children’s Wish Foundation. Since one of my son’s is a wish kid this is near and dear to me and at $20K a wish I have a VERY long way to go. But I don’t doubt I’ll get there in my lifetime.

我是顾问。为什么?因为这份工作是我的 *** 所在。通过这份工作,我不但可以支持家庭,我也朝我的目标更近了一步:为儿童愿望基金会资助两名儿童,帮他们实现愿望。我最亲爱的儿子也是个爱许愿的孩子,所以虽然帮每个儿童实现愿望需要2万美金,我得花很久才能实现,但是我坚信在我的有生之年我肯定能实现。

These are just a few examples of what I do and why I do them. They may not sit well with everyone but I do what I do in these respects with purpose and reason.


I could also mention that I watch TV from time to time. If you asked me why I do it
I wouldn’t have a very good answer – to curb boredom
to relax and just sit at the end of the day. There are a lot of better things I could be doing with my time but occasionally TV is okay.


I think doing things without purpose
a plan or the bigger picture in mind can be fun but it may be wasting your time
talents and skills.

So what are you doing and why are you doing it?

Take inventory of what you’re doing in major life areas and try to understand why you’re doing them.

Does what you do play to your strengths? Do you get great joy out of doing it? Is it helping you get closer to a goalor a dream you have?


If you spend too much of your time focusing on things that don’t really matter
that don’t really excite you and you don’t have a reason for doing what you’re doing you could be missing out on a lot of great things.


Think of all the opportunities you could be missing out on if you’re tied up in activities that don’t matter to you. Wouldn’t you hate to realize one day that what you wanted all along passed you by because you were too busy doing other things. Menial things.


So my question remains: What are you doing and why do you do it?
