

第1个回答  2023-02-16
第十一节 强调句、倒装句、省略句15-1


  强调句型由“It is (was) + 被强调的成份(主语、宾语、状语)+ that”构成,当被强调的主语表示人时,that可以用who替代,谓语在人称和数上应与主语保持一致。

  It is he who speaks English fluently.

  It was not until midnight that he went to sleep last night.



  1.以here, there开头的句子。

  Here comes the bus.

  2.以so, nor, neither引导的省略句。


  If you can do it, so can I.

  I like watch football matches, so does my brother.

  If you won't go, neither will he.

  My sister doesn't like potatoes, nor do I.

  3.“only +状语(从句)”,否定或具有否定意义的词位于句首作状语或引导状语从句的句子。

  Only in this way can you hope to improve your English.

  Not only did he show himself as a good student, but he also proved himself a good athlete.

  Scarcely had I sat down when I heard the telephone rang.(scarcely…when=as aoon as)

  Hardly had he arrived in the city when he heard the bad news.

  (hardly…when=as soon as)

  No sooner had he come home than he was asked to start on another journey.(no sooner…than=as soon as)

  Little did I know about the matter.

  In no way can theory be separated from practice.

  1. I visited Zhangjiajie last summer. Never in my life ______ so beautiful a place like that.

  A. I had seen B. did I see C. have I seen D. I shall see

  答案 C

  2. _______ the importance of wearing seat belts while driving.

  A. Little they realize B. They little do realize

  C. Little realize do they D. Little do they realize

  答案 D

  3. “Someone ate my cookies.”

  “Well, I didn't and _______ Alice.”

  A. neither was B. nor did C. neither D. nor was

  答案 B

  4. _______ the words to the songs, but he also composes (作曲) the music.

  A. He also writes B. Although he writes

  C. Not only does he write D. Even if he writes

  答案 C

  5. No sooner ______ than the jeep started off.

  A. his luggage was loaded B. had his luggage been loaded

  C. loaded his luggage D. his luggage was being loaded

  答案 B

  6. Scarcely had he gone out ________.

  A. that it started to snow B. that it started to snow

  C. when it started to snow D. and it started to snow

  no sooner……than;scarcely……when;

  答案 C

  7. “I like the film.”


  A. Nor do I B. Neither do I C. Either do I D. So do I

  答案 D

  8. No sooner _______ got to the station than it began to rain heavily.

  A. had I B. have I C. I had D. I have

  答案 A

  9. ________, Mr. Brown couldn't keep the shop properly.

  A. As he worked hard B. As he worked hardly

  C. Hard as he worked D. Hardly as he worked

  答案 C

  10. Hardly _______ when the bus suddenly pulled away.

  A. they had got to the bus stop B. they got to the bus stop

  C. did they get to the bus stop D. had they got to the bus stop

  pull away 开走,离开

  答案 D

  11. “Eric didn't want to miss the class.”

  “_______ did Bill.”

  A. Either B. Whether C. Neither D. No

  答案 C

  12. “Jane has certainly been working hard.”


  A. So have her brothers B. So her brothers have

  C. Her brothers have too D. So have been her brothers

  答案 A


  (1)so, neither, nor引导的省略句。


  1.Distrust can be contagious(传染的)。 But so can trust.

  2.John is learning Spanish. _______ his sister.

  A. So does B. Neither is C. Nor does D. So is

  3.Man cannot live by bread alone, nor / neither can he live without bread.

  4.He has never been to London , nor / neither have we.


  1.Only if you have a receipt ________ change the goods.

  A. we can B. will we C. we do D. we will

  only if: 只要,只有用于句首,后接从句,主谓倒装> 答案 B

  2.Never before _________ seen such beautiful clothes designed by such a young lady.(答案 B)

  A. he has B. has he C. have he D. he have

  3. Hardly had he arrived home when it began to rain.

  4. Not until the game had begun _________ at the sports ground.

  A. he arrived B. did he arrive C. he didn't D. would he arrive(答案 B)



  “Will you join us?” “I'd love to”

  “I'm hungry. ” “Are you?”

  “What did you buy?” “A dictionary.”


  I'll buy the tickets if you want me to.

  I meant to write to you, but forgot to.


  He majors in French and I in Russian.

  They tried to help her, but in vain.


  Look out for cars when crossing the street.(look out 当心)

  To criticize like him one must be as wise.

  5. do有时用于省略句中,替代上文出现的动词及其宾语。如:

  Computers are supposed to save time, but I'm not so sure they do. (save time)

  be supposed to do sth.:

  1. 被期望或被要求做某事

  They were supposed to be here an hour ago.

  2. 用于否定句中,获准做某事。

  You're not supposed to play football in the classroom.

  “The old house belongs to the Greens.”

  “Oh, no, ________.”(答案 C)

  A. it mustn't B. it hasn't C. it doesn't D. it didn't

  (belong to 属于)

  省略句常运用于是常对话的上下文中。如I think so, I'd love to, I'm afraid not 等。句型“Why not …?”以及动词do也常在考核点之列,考生应注意Why not 后面接动词原形,而动词do或其过去式常可以用来代替上文中的动词及其宾语、表语。

  1.Why not ________ as she likes ?

  A. let her to do B. letting her to do

  C. let her do D. lets her do

  (答案 C)

  2.“I'll ring her up when I go out to lunch.”

  “Why not do it now?”(it代替的是ring her up)

  3.She plays the piano better now than she did last year.

  (did代替的是played the piano)

  4.“Who broke the window?”

  “I did.”(did代替的是broke the window)