
是什么词语的缩写吗? 最近在纪念MICHAEL的时候经常可以听到~

第1个回答  2018-05-26
rest in peace 逝者安息
第2个回答  2018-01-09
是拉丁语的Requiescat in pace
第3个回答  2015-10-01
1. V-ERG (使)撕开;(使)扯开;(使)撕裂;(使)划破
When something rips or when you rip it, you tear it forcefully with your hands or with a tool such as a knife.
I tried not to rip the paper as I unwrapped it.

2. N-COUNT 裂口;裂缝;口子
A rip is a long cut or split in something made of cloth or paper.
Looking at the rip in her new dress, she flew into a rage.

3. VERB 撕去;扯掉;剥去
If you rip something away, you remove it quickly and forcefully.
He ripped the phone from her hand.

4. VERB (迅猛地)穿入,穿透,冲过
If something rips into someone or something or rips through them, it enters that person or thing so quickly and forcefully that it often goes completely through them.
A volley of bullets ripped into the facing wall.
The fire ripped through the living room.

5. PHRASE 尽情地做;忘乎所以地做;用尽力气做
If you let rip, you do something forcefully and without trying to control yourself.
Turn the guitars up full and let rip.
'Yaaaaaaa,' Carla let rip with the cry of the Valkyries.

6. PHRASE 迅速地做;强有力地做;(车辆)全速前进,开足马力
If you let something rip, you do it as quickly or as forcefully as possible. You can say 'let it rip' or 'let her rip' to someone when you want them to make a vehicle go as fast as it possibly can.
The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.
第4个回答  2015-04-10
R.I.P REST IN PEACE 愿死者安息的意思大家都希望MICHAEL走好在天堂安息.本回答被提问者采纳
第5个回答  2019-12-23
[最佳答案] 拉丁文,Requiescat in peace 愿其安息。 或者是,英文, Rest in peace 也是愿其安息。 常用作,墓志铭,祭奠,吊唁, 葬礼祈祷词,哀悼词。 和中国节哀顺变,一路走好,差不多意思意思。