
is it good to have a marriage agreement?why?

what is important for a happy marriage?


第1个回答  2009-09-23
Mutual understanding is crital to the sucsess of marriage. As a saying goes:"Marriage is the grave for love.'To a certain extent, it has some point in it, because love in most case is romantic and the lover only see the bright side of his or her counterpart,but the marriage invovles more vulgar things. During the daily life, you not only discover his or her bright side,you may also be reluctant to find sometimes he or she offensive to you. Therefore, mutual understanding is pretty important to maintain a good marriage. Without it, the couples will only complain each other when confronted with conflicts between them. As time goes by and the tention exists, more often than not, the marriage will eventually fall collapsed. So the most and foremost thing that a couple should keep in mind is that the precious love that bind them together. If not for that, how could they get to know and fall in with each other?
One must learn to treasure what one has had.

To como to an conclusion, I believe the mutual understanding is the most vital thing in maintaining a successful marriage.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-09-23
第3个回答  2009-09-23
Is it good to have a marriage agreement?why?

A marriage agreement is a contact which the parties enter into either before their marriage or shortly afterwards. Most marriage agreements are drafted and signed well ahead of the parties' marriage. Marriage agreements are usually intended to deal with the legal issues that will arise if the marriage breaks down, but they can also deal with how certain day-to-day issues during the marriage are to be handled
A marriage agreement can address any number of subjects, and deal with anything that's a concern to one or both spouses. Typical subjects include the following.
• How will the spouses share assets during the marriage?
• How will the spouses divide their property after the marriage? Will there be any division of property at all? Will a spouse receive a fixed share, or a share that increases as time goes on?
• Will the spouses share in the value or cost of assets bought during the marriage, like a car or a house?
• Will the parties have a share in assets brought into the marriage by one of the spouses?
• How will unexpected windfalls, like inheritances, be dealt with? Will they be shared or kept separate?
• How will household chores be shared during the marriage?
• How will household expenses be paid for during the marriage?
• How will the spouses manage retirement savings during the marriage?
• How will the children brought into the marriage from another relationship be dealt with after the marriage?
• How will children born during the marriage be cared for after the marriage?
The possible subjects of a marriage agreement are limited only by imagination, common sense and the law of contracts.
So, it is good to have a marriage agreement? Well, my answer is yes and no. I think a marriage agreement is a good idea only when:
1. one or both of the parties have a substantial amount of property or assets going into the marriage;
2. one of the parties expect to acquire substantial assets during the marriage through, for example, an inheritance, a settlement or court award, or a gift;
3. the parties want to avoid the stress, grief and anger that can come after a relationship breaks down by deciding in advance how certain difficult issues, like the division of family assets, will be dealt with;
4. one or both of the parties has been married before and experienced an ugly court battle;
5. one or both of the parties will be bringing children from a previous relationship into the marriage; or,
6. one of the parties is entering the marriage with substantial debt.
In most cases, people generally want to protect the property that they're bringing into the marriage and avoid the Marriage Act's presumption that all assets ought to be split equally between spouses when their marriage comes to an end; many people are looking for an "I'll keep what's mine, you'll keep what's yours" sort of deal.
The odd thing about this is that the court may make an order dividing assets that's different than what a marriage agreement calls for if the agreement is found to be unfair under the Act. As a result, a good marriage agreement will allow a spouse to "earn" an increasing share of the other spouse's property the longer the marriage lasts. In many agreements, a spouse will earn an equal or near-equal share of the assets by the ten or fifteen year mark. You don't wind up with an "I'll keep what's mine, you'll keep what's yours" deal after all.
However, a marriage agreement may not be appropriate when:
1. neither party has any significant assets;
2. neither party has any significant debts;
3. both parties are relatively young and intend to remain permanently married to each other; and,
4. neither party is bringing a child into the marriage from another relationship.
In circumstances like that, there really isn't much of a point to executing a marriage agreement. There aren't any kids to worry about and neither party has any assets to protect going into the marriage. What purpose will a marriage agreement serve?
Marriage agreements are odd things anyway as they tend to lend a somewhat unpleasant and sometimes petty financial dimension to what ought to be a joyous event. If there's no reason to have one, don't.

What is important for a happy marriage?
A happy marriage can be a bit hard to find. However, it doesn't have to be that way. There are many ways to make sure you remain as much in love with your spouse as when you first got married. Here are just a few suggestions I feel very important:
1) Spend private time together. Make a date at least once a week to do something as a couple. Take a walk, play a game of cards, see a movie or go to the zoo. Just spend time with just the two of you, and get to know each other all over again.
2) Spend time apart. Taking time for yourself to do the things that interest you will make you happier and more fulfilled, therefore making you easier to live with and more interesting to your spouse.
3) Be spontaneous. The detours you take in life can bring fun, excitement and adventure, and are easy to implement. For example, skip church once in a while, and sleep in. Going to the zoo, but see a beach on the way? Stop and take a romantic walk together. Try to do at least one spontaneous activity together per week, and you'll be amazed at the new life your marriage has.
4) Have a journal in a prominent place. Write each other love notes about anything, including what you love about each other, memories of your first date, or a thank-you for completed chores or tasks.
5) Don't fight in front of other people. It embarrasses you both and undermines your relationship. It also may prevent you from being completely honest. If issues come up while company is present, either go into a separate room to talk, or agree to discuss the issues later.
6) Touch. Remember in the early stages of your relationship when you couldn't keep your hands off of one another? Do that again, and marvel at how good it feels.
7) Listen. Talk to one another about everything and nothing. Ask about your spouse's day, and listen to the answers. Ask how your spouse feels, and tell him/her how you feel. Respect each other's comments. Make sure you understand what is being said by clarifying statements.
8) Don't insult or make fun of your spouse's relatives or friends. Even if it's just in fun, these comments can hurt your spouse and your relationship.
9) Don't go to bed angry. Although there may be times when sleep is more important than making up, try to go to bed on a good note by saying something like, "I'm still angry about this issue, but I'm tired and want to go to sleep. I'd like to talk about this later. I still love you. I will always love you, and I'm glad we are married."
10) Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt. For example, if he is late getting home, assume that he is stuck in traffic and cannot get to a phone, not that he is merely being inconsiderate.
11) Remember the big picture. If your spouse irritates you, think, "Is this going to matter in a few hours? Do I really want to make a major issue out of this, or is this something I can live with?"
Well, it can go on and on of course, just like a list I came across titled: “48 Tips to a Happy Marriage”. I thought that they are worth mentioning and maybe worth exploring. I wonder how much of these are followed by couples in our society and do they find them relevant and applicable?
Since I am still single; I will comment about each one from my own perspective and state what I think about it; by that; I am not dictating or promoting anything, I am just thinking in the form of writing.
The list goes as follows; if you become bored while going through them, stop and come back later because I found them very interesting and I am hoping you will do too:
1. Start each day with a kiss ~ I think this one is not that hard; on the contrary; it can be healthy and nice.
2. Wear your wedding ring at all times ~ most couples do wear the ring, however; their reasons might vary, so as long as they think of it as a sign of their commitment to their spouses, then they are on the safe side.
3. Date once a week ~ I believe this one is very healthy; maybe not as often as once a week, let’s say every other week or that a date can be inside your home and that you don’t have to go somewhere fancy to have it, you get the idea, right?
4. Accept differences ~ No one is perfect. However; healthy arguments are good for the relationship, hence; the most important thing would be learning how to compromise with one another.
5. Be polite ~ Please, thank you, you are welcome… these are not only meant for strangers; your own spouse and family should come first and you must always use these phrases inside your home.
6. Be gentle ~ a person is supposed to be the closest to his/her spouse, being gentle is crucial to keep them close enough or they will find that comfort elsewhere.
7. Give gifts ~ nice small gifts are appreciated every once in a while
8. Smile often ~ I would say: Smile Always because it is contagious and you are more likely to be smiled at when you show your teeth more often!!
9. Touch ~ intimacy between married people is very important and touching is a means of communication that reflects closeness, connection and love; it is your way of keeping the spark alive.
10. Talk about dreams ~ dreams of the future that is; if you don’t share your dreams with your spouse; then who?
11. Select a song that can be “our song” ~ this sounds like a cliché, but it can be nice, don’t you think?
12. Give back rubs ~ this means: be comforting both mentally and physically and if you don’t know how to give back rubs and massages; it is time to learn!
13. Laugh together ~ laughter is like smiling and as they say: it is medicine. When you share good laughs together; the fun grows in the relationship and you grow closer and stronger every day.
14. Send a card for no reason ~ another cliché? Maybe, but everyone likes to receive a nice “I love you” or “I miss you” notes every once in a while; it does boost one’s ego, doesn’t it?
15. Do what the other person wants before he or she asks ~ of course; you need to know your spouse so well to be able to do this one. I guess this comes with time as you grow to know each other but seek to get that knowledge; don’t assume that it will come to you!
16. Listen ~ this could be the most important one ever, but note that you should listen with empathy and not just hear what they are saying; you should get involved.
17. Encourage ~ positive support and being there for one another is also very important; seek their support and give them yours and be generous!
18. Do it his or her way ~ sometimes; you need to do things their way just to show how much you love them and respect their feelings.
19. Know his or her needs ~ what good is a spouse if he/she does not know the needs of their significant others? This should be your primary concern!
20. Compliment twice a day ~ everyone likes to hear something nice as a compliment; so give them that when it is due. It should not be literally twice but don’t be extreme by not giving at all or giving too much; just say something nice when you can.
21. Fix the other person’s breakfast ~ it doesn’t have to be breakfast in bed though!
22. Call during the day ~ but don’t over do it and be obsessed with calling him/her. Give them their space but also show them that you think of them by a 2-minutes phone call saying “how are you doing?”
23. Slow down ~ and don’t jump to conclusions; always give the benefit of the doubt and wait to hear them out.
24. Cuddle ~ yes; intimacy is very important and reflects love and deep feelings.
25. Ask for each others’ opinion ~ absolutely; whose opinion would you seek if not your spouse’s? Your decisions will reflect both your lives and not only your own, so their opinion is important for you to make the right move.
26. Show respect ~ all the time; whether you are alone or among others. Showing respect is more important than showing love.
27. Welcome the other person home ~ show enthusiasm when they come home and greet them; this means that you are happy because they are home now and that you were waiting for them!
28. Look your best ~ I understand that this is not easy to implement since we face different situations all day long, however; it does count that you make the effort to look your best every once in a while just for their sake and not only because you are going out or expecting guests, get the point?
29. Wink at each other ~ another cliché? Probably, but it can be any other gesture like smiling their way across the room or dining table, or holding their hand for a minute, just anything that appeals to both of you.
30. Celebrate birthdays in a big way ~ this does not mean a big party; just show them you care about their personal occasions.
31. Apologize ~ and don’t be too stubborn to admit that you made a mistake, because apologizing can clear things between you and allows you to move on from the conflict in a healthy manner.
32. Forgive ~ from the heart and not only in words; forgive them and mean it.
33. Set up a romantic getaway ~ this sounds like fun every once in a while; no harm in that!
34. Ask, “What can I do to make you happier?” ~ in other words; communicate and keep it going, because one’s needs might change along the way, and what they used to like a couple of years ago might not be appealing to them now; so make sure you ask them what does make them happy and do it.
35. Be positive ~ even when it is a negative era of your lives; always try to show the full half of the cup.
36. Be kind ~ and nice.
37. Be vulnerable ~ let those guards down and show your true colors.
38. Respond quickly to the other person’s request ~ show them that you are doing this because you care for them the most.
39. Talk about your love ~ again; communicate. Always tell them as well as show them how much you love them and how happy you are because of having them in your lives.
40. Treat each others’ friends and relatives with courtesy ~ even if you don’t like their family and/or friends, you treat them with respect and courtesy for the sake of your spouse; they deserve that much.
41. Send flowers every Valentine’s Day and anniversary ~ or just for the sake of it; flowers can say a lot on your behalf.
42. Admit when wrong ~ don’t be too arrogant to say it.
43. Be sensitive to each other’s sexual desires ~ more importantly; understand these desires and keep the communication going.
44. Pray for each other daily ~ and do it from the heart.
45. Watch sunsets together ~ just share such moments together; it does not have to be sunset; it can be anything else.
46. Say “I love you” frequently ~ don’t assume that they know you love them; everyone likes to hear it, so say it!
47. End the day with a hug ~ show closeness and again; intimacy.
48. Seek outside help when needed ~ if you reach a point when you feel that you cannot solve the problem alone; seek the help of someone you both trust before giving up, or go for professional help as a last resort. Never feel ashamed of that; seeking help is a lot better than giving up and doing your very best to solve your issues. You owe it to yourself and to them to do that.
Having a great marriage takes work from beginning to end. When the effort ends, the marriage might also. However, by following the above steps, the marriage has a much greater chance of success.