
第一节:完成句子(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。小题1:The biggest exam is approaching, should be made. (which)最重要的考试来临了,应做好充分的准备。小题2:H7N9 Virus is fatal to every person, and it is time that . (take)H7N9病毒对每个人都是致命的,因此是该采取有效措施了。小题3: he has failed in his investment,I agree to lend him some money. (convince)相信他投资失败了,我同意借点钱给他。小题4:He turned a deaf ear to ,addicted to playing the computer game, (what)他对我曾经说过的话充耳不闻,一味沉迷于游戏。小题5: what I should talk about in the meeting, he has no constructive advice. (come)当谈及我在会上应讲些什么时,他没有什么建设性的建议。小题6: ,the board cannot make the final decision. (absent)有几名成员缺席会议,董事会无法做出最终决定。小题7: has made the man keep doing drugs for several years. (aware)没有意识到危害使得这个入吸了好几年毒品。小题8:He always complains about his lack of confidence, who otherwise a higher position. (equal)他总是抱怨信心不足,否则的话他就已经胜任更高的职位了。小题9:This old hospital, meeting hall for 3 years during the war, is being pulled down. (serve)这间古老的医院正在被拆毁,它的一部分在战争期间还曾作过三年的会议厅。小题10:Parents always remind children that in no case . (go)家长总是提醒孩子,在任何情况下都不要跟陌生人走。

小题1:for which enough preparations
小题2:effective measures (should) be taken/effective measures were taken
小题3:Convinced (of the fact) that
小题4:what I had said
小题5:When it comes to
小题6:(With) Several members (being) absent from the meeting
小题7:Not being aware of the harm/That he has not been aware of the harm
小题8:would have been equal to
小题9:part of which served as
小题10:should they go with strangers

小题1:给出的关键词为which,所以要用非限制性定语从句。做好充分准备英语为:make enough/full preparations。后面用的是“should be made”所以要用被动语态。为……做好充分准备要加介词for。故答案为for which enough preparations/for which full preparations。
小题2:给出的关键词为take。结合汉语“采取有效措施”英语表达为“take effective measures”。后面的从句中没有动作的执行者,故要用被动语态。句型“it is time that”后面的从句谓语动词用“should+动词原形(should可以省略)”或者用“过去式”。故答案为:effective measures (should) be taken/effective measures were taken。
小题3:给出的关键词为convinced,后面又是一个句子,因此可以断定跟的是that引导的宾语从句。(be) convinced (of sth.) that.相信某事。作状语时是不带“be”的。因为是句首,要注意大写。故答案为Convinced that或Convinced of the fact that(这时that从句就是同位语从句)。
小题4:给出的关键词为what,因此“我曾经说过的话”就是“what I had said”。
小题5:给出的关键词为comes,所以“当谈及……什么时”应该译成“When it comes to”。
小题6:后面是个完整的句子,前面又是逗号,故要用with复合结构或分词的独立主格结构来作原因状语。给出的关键词为absent ,“缺席会议”为“be absent from the meeting”。所以答案为:(With) Several members (being) absent from the meeting。亦或用原因状语从句:Because several members (being) absent from the meeting。
小题7:后面含谓语宾语以及状语部分说明空格处缺的是主语,因此要用动名词或主语从句作主语。给出的关键词为“aware”,“意识到某事”用“be aware of sth.”。故答案为:Not being aware of the harm(注意not的位置应位于句首)或That he has not been aware of the harm。
小题8:给出的关键词为equal 所以联想到“b equal to”。根据汉语这儿应该用虚拟语气:would have been equal to。
小题9:插在中间的是个句子,因此判断为非限制性定语从句。结合所给的关键词“serve” 可以想到词组“把……用作为……”译成“serve sth as sth.”,故答案为part of which served as
小题10:“in no case”在从句中位于句首,所以断定要用倒装句:should they go with strangers。其实这儿所给的关键词只是虚晃一枪而已。即使不给出该词,对我们的解答也没有什么障碍。