

第1个回答  2022-11-05
it was a nice day. my family and i went to the park to have a walk. there are a lot of people in the park. they are all enjoying different kinds of activities. some are playing cards, some are playing chess, some are walking their dogs, and others are talking and laughing happily with their friends. i like this kind of atmosphere. the park is a good place to relax ourselves. it is also a good place to do some exercise to keep healthy. (85字)bai 天气很好,我du跟我家人去公园zhi散步。公园里有很多dao人,他们都回在做不同的活动,有的在玩答牌,有的在下棋,有的在遛狗,还有的在跟沪贰高荷薨沽胳泰供骏朋友说说笑笑,我喜欢这种氛围。公园是个放松身心的好地方,也是个锻炼身体、保持健康的好去处。 还有不懂的欢迎提问哈!我很努力的回答的哦。保证质量!
