
1. We have had to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of ________ materials.
A. raw B. rough C. original D. primitive
2. The defeated army had to ________ hastily to where they came from.
A. remove B. restrain C. retreat D. remain
3. The little girl woke up screaming because she had had a ________.
A. daydream B. nightmare C. fantasy D. nightfall
4. The weather scientists ________ a fine summer based on all the statistics they’ve had.
A. predicted B. proposed C. prevented D. imagined
5. There are ________ periods in an animal’s life when it is capable of learning a great deal in a very short time.
A. urgent B. violent C. serious D. crucial
6. Before using your new pressure cooker, read the following ________ carefully.
A. notices B. orders C. advertisements D. instructions
7. The slowdown in the development of the company is likely to ________ people from making investments.
A. decrease B. discourage C. disturb D. degrade
8. Mr. Thomas’s funny story brought about ________ laughter from the audience which could be heard miles away.
A. a set of B. a bunch of C. a flood of D. a burst of
9. These machines ________ cotton ________ cloth.
A. convert… into B. turn…to C. alert…to D. relate…to
10. Put the key in the ignition and turn it to ________ the car ________.
A. build…up B. start…up C. set…up D. launch…up

第1个回答  2010-03-29
1. A raw materials 原材料
2. C retreat 撤退,退却
The enemy retreated after heavy losses.
3. B nightmare 梦魇;恶梦
In his nightmares they burned his house.
4. A predict 预言;预料;预报
He predicted that an earthquake was imminent.
5. D crucial 决定性的,重要的
These negotiations are crucial to the future of our firm.
6. D instructions 说明、须知
7. A decrease 减;减少,减小
They are making every effort to decrease the production cost.

8. D a burst of爆发
9. A convert… into 转变,变换
They converted the garage into a theater. 他们将车库改成戏院。
10 B start up 发动, 开动
第2个回答  2010-03-29
1.raw materials 原材料
2.C. retreat 撤军
3.B. nightmare 噩梦
4.A. predicted 预测
5. D. crucial至关重要的
6. D. instructions 使用说明
7. B. discourage 使……丧失信心
8. D. a burst of laughter 哄然大笑
9. B. turn…to 使……变为
10. B. start…up 开动(汽车)
第3个回答  2010-03-29
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B
第4个回答  2010-03-29