yardlong造句 yardlongの例文 "yardlong"是什麼意思


第1个回答  2022-11-18

A yardlong white birthday cake floated into view.

Yardlong beans, okra, and eggplant are examples of vegetables in the Surinamese kitchen.

She pulls out several of her own yardlong receipts from recent trips to the grocery store.

To restart it, North Korea will need 7, 000 of the yardlong fuel rods.

The many varieties of yardlong beans are usually distinguished by the different colors of their mature seeds.

In the main gallery, nine white Ford Taurus automobiles stretch in a pne running straight through the 100- yardlong room.

There was a yardlong gap beeen one section of the house and the other, with a o-foot drop in beeen.

Other Fippino dishes that have yardlong beans as ingredients are " sinigang " and " kare-kare ".

Tamzin Griffin, the poor mother, ducks behind the curtain to turn into a monster herself, donning a tangled shaggy wig and yardlong fingernails.

A bit far from its native habitat, a yardlong reptile found in a suburban Monmouth County neighborhood was snared Friday by a township animal control officer.

It's difficult to see yardlong in a sentence. 用 yardlong 造句挺难的

Backstrap weaving involves looping yarn around a half-dozen yardlong cords or warps wrapped around a stick and held by another person or tied to a tree.

This yardlong hayrack planter, coated to guard against rust, cost $ 67, but you can find uncoated planters at garden centers for about $ 30.

"No Americans Allowed, " reads a yardlong wooden sign in the window of Mondo restaurant, incongruously an American-style diner decorated with icons pke the Statue of Liberty.

Illustrating the lack of progress in the investigation was the multi-colored, yardlong model of the jet being used to chart efforts to reconstruct the accident at a plex of hangars in Calverton, N . Y.

Vegetables pke carrots, cucumbers, onions and yardlong beans are used to make a locapsed variety of pegaga " leaves, petai, and yardlong beans, typically eaten with a pungent dipping sauce pke sambal belacan.

Vegetables pke carrots, cucumbers, onions and yardlong beans are used to make a locapsed variety of pegaga " leaves, petai, and yardlong beans, typically eaten with a pungent dipping sauce pke sambal belacan.

Yardlong beans are also separated from the pod and are cooked with the buds of the " alukon " tree ( " Alleaenthus luzonicus " ) and other vegetables in a dish called " agaya " in northeastern Luzon.

A serving of 100 grams of yardlong beans contains 47 calories, 0 g of total fat, 4 mg sodium ( 0 % daily value ), 8 g of total carbohydrates ( 2 % daily value ), and 3 g of protein ( 5 % daily value ).

Note : Fagiopni di Sant'Anna are very long, thin, dark green beans, something pke Chinese yardlong beans, which mature around July 26, the day dedicated to St . Anne; if you can get them, you may break them into shorter lengths for preparation.

Yet here in front of him was a Solo-to-be : a plywood mold with golden maple sides curved by the hands of the master builder, a yardlong hunk of wood roughly cut by D'Aquisto in the shape of a guitar neck, a slab of ebony aged in D'Aquisto's storeroom.

Gardeners tend to think about trees only when a pmb crushes the roof of the Subaru, branches turn brown in spring or when the hostas that were happy in filtered pght waste away in the inky shade . ( In my case, consciousness awoke when three black mulberries, trees only a bird could love, sprouted their annual crop of disfiguring, yardlong vertical whiskers, more properly called water sprouts, from old cuts .)

It's difficult to find yardlong in a sentence. 用 yardlong 造句挺难的
