无与伦比的美丽 英文版

本人急需 一个英文版的 无与伦比的美丽 的歌词

要是自己写的 不需要 复制正版歌词 在翻译

那样没意思 。。。 要是自己写的

第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-21
The kite is flying in the sky
Someone is running under the sky
If you worry that I can't fly
I wish you can be my butterfly

The kite is still flying in the sky
Someone is still running under the sky
If you worry that I can't fly
I wish you can be my grassland

You told me I am the beatiful one you had ever seen before
But I know you are the one who is the best beautiful in the world.

someday the kite will fall
someone will stop running
but we will still stand here
and hold each other tightly.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-04-10
Unparalleled beauty
Sky kite flying in the sky
Children on the ground floor were chasing
If you worry that you can not fly
You have my butterfly

Sky kite flying in the sky
Children on the ground floor were chasing
If I worried that I can not fly
I have your grassland

Ye ~ Ye ~
You described me as this world
Unparalleled beauty

Ye ~ Ye ~
I know you is this world
Unparalleled beauty

Sky kite flying in the sky
Children on the ground floor were chasing
If you worry that you can not fly
You have my butterfly
Hey hey ah ~ ah ~