
马奇家的女孩虽然家里贫寒, 但她们却对任何事都有积极乐观的态度。独立自强是这四个女孩的共同特点她们总是在不停的找出自己的缺点并努力改正。
我喜欢梅格,喜欢她为爱情甘于贫困, 不为金钱所诱惑的性格喜欢她淑女风范。我喜欢乔, 喜欢她的无拘无束, 喜欢她为梦想而努力奋斗的坚定不移的决心。 我喜欢贝思,喜欢她的恬静,做任何事都毫无怨言,喜欢她总是为别人着想的善良品德。 我也喜欢艾米喜欢她的坚强, 把扶贫济穷当作己任的信念。 她们的理想与命运个不相同, 但她们都找到了自己最好的归宿。
在我看来, 似乎在四姐妹的眼里, 永远和她们爱的人和爱她们的人生活在一起就是天下最幸福的事。
梅格、乔、贝思、艾米她们四个坚强、乐观的精神将永远贮存在我的心里。 她们的微笑回永存在我的脑海中, 提醒着我, 要坚强,要有一颗纯洁的心。

第1个回答  2009-06-05
  "Little Women" is an autobiographical nature of the family with the novel, the author is the United States Alcott.
  This book is mainly Marchi family of four girls of different characteristics through their own good and hard work to find the story of their own well-being
  Marchi family home while poor girls, but they have nothing but positive and optimistic attitude. Independent self-reliance is the common characteristics of the four girls, they always find themselves in the non-stop and try to correct the shortcomings.
  I like Meg, like her willing to love poverty, not to the temptation of money and women like her personality style. I like Joe, likes to let their hair down to her, like her dream to work hard for the firm in its resolve. I like Beth, like her quiet, no complaints have to do anything, like she was always for the sake of the good qualities of others. I like Amy, like her strong, to act as a pro-poor poverty relief conviction. Their ideals and the fate of a different, but they have found the best end-result of their own.
  In my view, it seems that in the eyes of four sisters, and their love forever and the love of their life together is a matter for the well-being of the world the most.
  Meg, Joe, Beth, Amy, they are four strong, optimistic spirit will always be stored in my heart. They smile back to last forever in my mind to remind me, it is necessary to strong, have a pure heart.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-06-05
"Little Woman " be that character family novel , author one are American Aoerkete with autobiography. Main sanguine with kindheartedness being that four the girl who is unlike a character of Ma Qi Jia passes self and the girl although home is poor , they are engaged in It both but actively to any who has found self happy story Ma Qi Jia diligently this book attitude. The independent self-improvement is this girl's common four characteristics they correct always in the shortcoming finding self out and effort not staying. I am fond of Meg , am fond of her being love be willing poor , be not fond of her fair maiden what allured character by money graceful manner. I am fond of being free to do as one likes tall , being fond of her, steadfast determination being fond of her working hard for fond dream struggling. I am fond of Beth , am fond of her peace, compose any thing is all without any complaint, kindhearted morality being fond of her always taking others into consideration. I also am fond of Amy with aiding the poor helping the belief being regarded as a self's mission endlessly being fond of her strengthening. Their ideal and destiny have not been same as , they have all found but self best home to return to. From my point of view , seemingly in four sisters person live in together loving them forever with the support of the people that they love is the happiest thing of land under heaven in self's eyes. Meg, is tall, Beth , Amy they be four firm , the sanguine spirit general stores me forever in the heart. Their smile is warning me of , needing to strengthen in returning to the mind there existing me in Yong,need to have a pure heart.
第3个回答  2009-06-05