

第1个回答  2022-11-09

1. 六年级看图写英语作文

It's a beautiful saturday afternoon and I went to the cinema with my mom.We watched a movie called Three Idiots . It was funny, and we were both moved by the story because the different feeling and message the movie carried. And after that, mom and I had a delicious dinner in the restaurant nearby. Then we walked home, talking and laughing all the way. This is my saturday, what about you?。

2. 看图写话(不少于8句话)六年级英语作文

Today is my birthday day.I am very happy,beacuse I will have a party .My mother ,father and friends give me many good gifts. They sing a birthday song for me. Then ,I make a wish.The cake is very big and beatiful .I like the cake,it is delicious.I have a good time .。

3. 六年级看图英语作文

My name is Susan. I have a cat, but my cat is sick right now. I need to bring the cat to see the doctor. Docter gives me the medicine let me serve for cat. After cat eats the medicine, Susan hope that her cat will be fine quickly, so they can play with each other.。

4. 帮下忙,写一个看图写话的英语作文六年级的

all different wavelengths, or colors of light, from the reflection of the water film side back with a certain wavelength of wave crest and from trough on the other side of the reflection coincide, corresponding to the color of the wavelength of is in the reflected light does not appear so the reflected light appears to be colored.。

5. 小学生六年级英语看图写作,要有图

Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the group.Happiness has been related to pleasure,refuge from pain,intellectual contemplation,union with God,friendship,children,wealth,honor,successful activity,and even state burial with statues! If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence,it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence.– Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay.But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill。

6. 小学生六年级英语看图写作,要有图

Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the group.Happiness has been related to pleasure,refuge from pain,intellectual contemplation,union with God,friendship,children,wealth,honor,successful activity,and even state burial with statues!

If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence,it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence.– Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay.But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill.

7. 六年级英语看图作文80词

My hobbyEveryone has his own hobby, it gives him/her lots of happiness. My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music, especially the cartoon music, and I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble, music can make me calm down. When I am very tired , it can make me fortable . Also, sports can bring me happiness too. I like to play football with my friends, i enjoy it very much. It makes me fet all the pressure from school.Listening to music keeps me in a good mood and it's good for my health.。
