

第1个回答  2012-09-02
第2个回答  2012-08-31
地心历险记的观后感 I liked many aspects of the movie..Anita Briem was very likable and I have always liked Brendan Frasier. I thought the special effects were very good, and a lot of the 3D effects were a lot of fun. More than once, I wanted to reach out in front of me and grab something coming off the screen. The bad part, was that the plot was just plain silly. It tried to stay glued together like National Treasure, which was also far fetched, but it never really quite made it. While I realize this was an action/adventure movie, some of the sequences were just too outlandish to garner any believability. The original made in the late 50's had a greater impact on me than this one did. But to balance out this critique, it was an enjoyable movie and I don't regret seeing it in 3D. I just think that with a little more effort, it could have gone from a lightweight yet entertaining movie, to a really strong blockbuster.
第3个回答  2012-09-08
哈利波特 went to see the movie with three of my four kids this weekend, we were hoping that it would not drag, being so long. Having read the book, my oldest and I knew it was a long story with much to cover. Though there could have been traps to make it drag, we were very pleased with the fine way they found to smoothly link everything together and not lose the spirit of the things they had to leave in the book. We did enjoy the third HP movie, though we did find this one to be vastly more appealing to the movie series. This was a fine movie and all involved with its creation and presentation to the big screen for our enjoyment deserve kudos. Special effects were wonderful, and the devotion to the written story was exemplary! We only wish it would have been shown on our stealth cinema with stadium seating instead of the standard screen. Other than that, Ten stars for sure.