
1、Clare Louis Masa was the only woman__in the experiment and among the few volunteers__from it.
A.participating…to die B.to participate...dying
C.participating...who die D.to participate...to die
2、Learning to do rountine car maintenance onedelf is often easier__competent people to do it.
A.as finding B.than to find C.than finding D.as to find
3、Anna was reading a piece of science fiction,completely__to the outside world.
A.being lost B.having lost C.losing D.lost
4、Great as Newton was,many of his idea__today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.
A.are to challenge B.may be challenged C.are challenged D.are challenging
5、I‘d rather read than watch television--the programs seem__all the time.
A.to get worse B.to be getting worse C.to have got worse D.getting worse
6、___before we depart the day after tomorrow,we should have a wonderful dinner party.
A.Had they arrived B.Would they arrive C.Were they arriving D.Were they to arrive
7、After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education,with girls as well as boys___to go to school.
A.to be encouraged B.been encouraged C.being encouraged D.be encouraged
8、He ___in vain to make his wife happy.
A.endeavored B.made endeavor C.tried the endeavor D.all of the above
9、Last but not the least,thank you for your help and best wishes for you!Thank you!

第1个回答  2012-10-27
1.To master English, spoken English must be practiced every day.
分析:“to master English”的逻辑主语不可能是句子主语spoken English, 而应该是人。故将错句改为:
To master English we must practice spoken English every day.
2.The emperor ordered the wonderful cloth weave as soon as possible.
分析:the wonderful cloth是动作weave的承受者而不是施动者,因此weave应该是被动式;又鉴于动作尚未进行,故使用不定式的被动式最为恰当。全句改为:
The emperor ordered the wonderful cloth to be woven as soon as possible.
值得注意的是,当将不定式作为插入语表示说话人的态度或看法时,它的逻辑主语往往游离于句子之外。在这种情况下再在句中找逻辑主语就没有意义,也不能说逻辑主语错了。常见的不定式作插入语的短语有:to be frank(坦率地说),bo be honest(老实地说),to tell you the truth(老实对你说),to make things worse(更糟糕的是)。例如:
He had no money to buy the necessaries. To make things worse, an unknown disease was holding(困扰着) him, confining(限制) him on bed all the year round.
To venture to say, he is sure to lose the match.(我)可以斗胆地说,他肯定要输掉这场比赛。
To tell you the truth, the boss appreciates your talent very much.(我)老实告诉你吧,老板很赏识你的才能。
第2个回答  2012-10-30