

第1个回答  2012-07-30
首先找出这个句子的主体部分: The reason was ....
Why he was late for school 是THE REASON的定语从句,说明什么事情的原因, BE LATE FOR 某事迟到;
第二个WAS, 是句子主体部分的系动词(BE动词),也就是谓语部分,表示“是”的意思。
WAS后面引导的THAT从句,是句子的宾语部分,更确切的说,应该是系动词的表语(主+系+表结构)。THAT从句中的WAS, 是表示被动结构, BE INJURED受伤
第2个回答  2012-07-30
第3个回答  2012-07-30
The reason why he was late for school was that he was injured in the traffic accident on his way to school. 他上学迟到的原因是在上学的途中在一场交通事故中受伤了。
整句主干是个表语从句:The reason.....was that............... 原因是.......
why he was late for school是why 引导的定语从句 修饰reason的
he was injured in...是表语

因为都是过去时,所以里头的be 动词都是was本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2012-07-30
the reason( why he was late for school) was that (he was injured in the traffic accident on his way to school).
the reason was that.主体结构
that (he was injured in the traffic accident on his way to school).为名词性从句,就当做是一个名词,在句中作宾语
第5个回答  2012-07-30
主句是 the reason was that he ....
同位语从句是 why引导的 he was late for school 是the reason 的同谓语
that 引导定语从句 he was injured ...这里的was表示被动