求一篇对承德避暑山庄的大体介绍,英文的! 不用多,200词就可以~ 总体介绍,谢谢~~


第1个回答  2012-06-03
Chengde mountain resort is located in hebei province double QiaoOu chengde city, is the largest imperial gardens.

Was founded in 1703, after the qing emperor kangxi and qianlong emperor yongzheng, 3 face, time-consuming was completed in eighty-nine. Covering an area of 5.64 million square meters, there are the heyday of the villa in seventy-two spots, had become XiaDou of qing dynasty.

Summer resort in qing dynasty is the symbol of the kang, dry time. As a home builder of kangxi, qianlong, had six next jiangnan, traverse the world the beauty of the scenery. Built in summer home, steal many long, fusion north and south China garden style for an organic whole, make summer home become classical Chinese garden art summary and sublimation. Our country garden experts say, the whole summer resort is the epitome of beautiful motherland splendid.