

第1个回答  2012-06-03
----where is my shoes?
---- They are under your bed

----What did you buy?
---- I bought an ice-cream and 3 bottles of juice.

----Would you like some cherries?-----Do you have any plums?
----No,I don't. Sorry about that
----Please give me 2 pouches of sugar.
----OK,here you are
-----Here is your coat.
----Is this a piece of paper?
----No,that is a pair of scissors

----Excuse me sir.Are you Mr.Brown?-
---NO, I am not
----Don't mind it
----Are these your knives?
英 语音素共48个 20个元音 28个辅音 长元音是元音后边加两点 :
短元音后边没有点 例如长元音/ i: / 短元音/ i / 长元音读的时候发音时间比短元音稍长
双元音就是由两个单元音组成的音素 例如/au/ /əu/ 读长元音时是从第一个单元音过渡到第二个 第一个元音时间稍长 要发的饱满 其实读的次数多了熟练了都没这么多规则啦
第2个回答  2012-06-02
----where is your shoes?----- They are under your bed
----What did you buy? -------- I bought an ice-cream and 3 bottles of juice.
----Would you like some cherries?
-----Do you have any plums? ----No,I don't. Sorry about that
------Please give me 2 pouches of sugar.----------OK,here you are
Here is your coat.
----Is is a piece of paper?----No,that is a pair of scissors
----Excuse me sir.Are you Mr.Brown?---NO, I am not
----Sorry. ------Don't mind it
-----Are these your knives?-----Yes.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-06-02
英语音素共48个(有的版本是44) 20个元音 28个辅音 长元音是元音后边加两点 :
短元音后边木有点 例如长元音/ i: / 短元音/ i / 长元音读的时候发音时间比短元音稍长 双元音就是由两个单元音组成的音素 例如/au/ /əu/ 读长元音时是从第一个单元音过渡到第二个 第一个元音时间稍长 要发的饱满 其实读的次数多了熟练了都没这么多规则啦
第4个回答  2012-06-07
--Where are your shoes?--They are under your bed.
--What did you buy? --I bought an ice-cream and three bottles of juice.
---Would you like some cherries?
--Do you have any plums? --No/Sorry,I don't.
--Please give me two small bags of sugar.--OK,here you are
Here is your coat.
--Is that a piece of paper?--No,that is a pair of scissors
--Excuse me sir.Are you Mr.Brown?--No, I am not
--Sorry. --Never mind/It doesn't matter./Not at all/That's all right.
--Are these your knives?--Yes,they are.