
范文:Yesterday was my birthday.I got $100.I went to the sgopping mall.First,I WEN T went to the toy store.I bought a computer game.It was $45.Next,I bought a computer book at the book store.It was $14.Then,I went to the restaurant.I bought a piece of cake and a drink.They were$7,Today,L'm gong to put---in the bank.
1.What dia Peter get yesterday?
2.What dia he go?
3.What dia he get at the toy store?
4.How much was it?
5.How much wasthe comic book?
6.What dia Peter buy at the restaurant?
7.How much were they?
8..How much money is Peter going to put in the bank?

第1个回答  2008-01-05

1.What did Peter get yesterday?

$ 100
2.Where did he go?

Shopping mall
3.What did he get at the toy store?

A computer game
4.How much was it?
It was $45
5.How much was the comic book?
The comic book was $14
6.What did Peter buy at the restaurant?
A piece of cake and a drink
7.How much were they?
They were $7
8..How much money is Peter going to put in the bank?
第2个回答  2008-01-05
2.shopping mail
3.A computer game
5It was $14
6.A piece of cake and a drink
第3个回答  2008-01-05
他全答对了,我就不 答了