

第1个回答  2023-01-14

) Tell me about yourselfyour past experience.

2) Forpast two years,have been workingan investment banking.

3) My backgroundexperience include workinga varietyprojectsjobsthe financial industry.

4) I抳e hadadjust my stylethe new environment several times.

5) What wasmost significant project you’ve worked on?

6) It waschallenge forperson withfinance background.

7) I really need more information aboutjob before we startdiscuss salary.

8) Doescompany havefive-year plan?

(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)
I: Let抯 startinterview with some questions. Tell me about yourselfyour past experience.
A: I have 0 years financial industry experience, workingseveral companies. Forpast two years,have been workingan investment banking. In additionmy analytical mindset,havebackgroundsolid accounting principles.amteam playerhave great communicationinterpersonal skills.thrivechallengework wellhigh-stress environments.
I: What finance experience have you had that qualifies youthis position?
A: My backgroundexperience include workinga varietyprojectsjobsthe financial industry. Mostmy experience has been behindscenes, doingcalculations.wantwork with clientscontinuegrowbe challenged.
I: Why did you leave your last position?
A: I抦 not findingwork as challenging asused to.wantfindjob thatstimulating, wherecan grow.
I: What are your strengthsweaknesses?
A: Onemy strengthsmy abilitybe flexible. I抳e seen companies go through many changesstructuremanagement philosophy. I抳e hadadjust my stylethe new environment several times. As far as weaknesses,really enjoy my work,sometimesputtoo much time. But by being awaremy tendencyoverwork,have learnedpace myself morework less overtime.
I: How would your boss describe youyour work style?
A: She抎 sayhavelotinitiative,seebig picture anddo what hasbe done. Second,always meet deadlines. Ifsay I抦 goingdo something,do it. Lastly,haveabilityfocuswhat I抦 working on am not easily distracted.
I: What are your salary expectations?
A: I抦 sure whatever you offer will befair amount forperson with my qualifications. Salarynotmost important factorme. I抦 lookingopportunity.
I: Do you have any questions?
A: Yes,do. What do you see asfuture trendsthe industry?
I: 我们开始面试吧。说说你自己和过去些经验吧。
A: 我十年金融行业工作经验,为几家公司工作过。过去两年,我直在家投资银行工作。我仅具分析能力而且还扎实会计原理知识。我具团队精神,善于和人交流,懂得人际关系技巧。我善于应付挑战,也能在压力大环境下工作很出色。
I: 你认为你具什么样金融经验使你能胜任这职位?
A: 我背景和经验包括我在金融业参与过各类项目、做过同工作。我大部分经验都幕后做些计算方面工作。我想和客户打交道,断完善自己,接受各种挑战。
I: 你为什么要离开以前工作呢?
A: 我发现这工作像我原来认为那么具挑战性,我想找份刺激性工作,这样可以进步。
I: 你优点和缺点什么?
A: 我优点就具灵活性,我目睹公司在结构和管理思想众多变化,而且好多次我必须调整我方式以适应新环境。就缺点而言,我非常喜欢工作,时投入太多时间,但我已意识到这点,学会调节自己,减少加班。
I: 你老板会如何评价你和你工作方式呢?
A: 她会说我很积极、顾全大局,会做完所需要做事情。其次,我总能在期限前完成任务。如果我说做某件事,我就定会做。最后点,我能集中精力做事情——会轻易受干扰。
I: 你希望薪水多少?
A: 我相信你会给我提供合理数目。对我来说,薪水最重要,我寻找机会。
I: 你问题要问吗?
A: ,你如何看待将来这行业发展趋势?

Dialogue 2
I: Tell me something about yourselfyour past.
A: I was borngrew upHeBei Province.movedBeijing, wherestarted taking coursesmy MBA. Whencompleted my degree,was offered an opportunity working forfinancial services company. I抳e worked thereeight years.
I: What wasmost significant project you抳e worked on?
A: I was assignedprojectdesign360-degree performance system. It waschallenge forperson withfinance background.met withtechnical peoplediscussedpossibilitiesobstacles. Basedthat information,selectedteamcreatedspreadsheetmanageproject. We gotproject doneschedule.was rewardedoutstanding resultswas ablesharehonors withteam.
I: What finance experience makes you qualifiedthis position?
A: Forpast eight years,have been workingthe banking industry.havesolid understandingaccounting concepts, an analytical mind andstrong attentiondetail. I抳e hadlotcustomer service trainingexperience, andhave been told thatexcelthis area.
I: How would your coworkers evaluate you ?
A: They抎 saywashardworker andreal team player.
I: What are your salary expectations?
A: I really need more information aboutjob before we startdiscuss salary. I抎 likepostpone that decision until later.

I: 说说你自己情况和你过去吧。
A: 我出生于河北省并在那里长大,后来搬到北京,在这里我学习MBA课程。完成学位后,我机会去家金融服务公司工作。我在那里工作八年。
I: 你参与最重大项目什么?
A: 我被分派去设计360度业绩系统。这对只金融背景人来说挑战。我和技术人员起讨论这系统可行性及可能遇到困难。根据掌握信息,我挑选队伍,建立表格程序以管理这项目。我们按期完成这项目。由于结果很出色,我受到奖励,而且也能和团队起分享这些荣誉。
I: 你具什么样金融经验使你能胜任这份工作?
A: 在过去八年中,我直在银行业工作。我对账目各种概念非常解、具分析头脑而且对各种细节都很注意。我参加过很多客户服务培训,也很多这方面经验,别人也曾说我在这领域很出色。
I: 你同事会怎样评价你?
A: 他们会说我工作刻苦人,很好合作者。
I: 你希望得到多少薪水?
A: 在讨论薪水前,我希望能多解工作方面事。我想迟些再作决定。

investment 投资 analytic 分析
mindset 倾向,习惯 interpersonal 人与人之间
stimulating 刺激 tendency 趋势
significant 意义,重大 performance 业绩,性能
obstacle 阻碍,困难 spreadsheet 空白表格程序
on schedule 按时 excel in 在吜煜è
postpone 推迟 budget 预算

主要国际金融组织:国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund(IMF)和世界银行World Bank。
) Forpast two years,have been working
an investment banking.
the Agriculture BankChina
the China Construction Bank
the IndustrialCommercial Bank

过去两年中我直在 家投资银行 工作。

2) I抳e had adjust my stylethe new environment several times. acclimatize


3) How would your boss describe youyour work style?
remark on



) I have eight yearsexperience workingthe IT industry.

2) I have been working asproject manager fordotcom.

3) I抳e been searching forwhile nowfindcompany that hadbusiness modelcorporate philosophy like yours.

4) I am excitedinterestedthe ideadeveloping business relationships through e- commerce.

5) Who are your financial backers?

6) Who arekey competitors?

7) Doescompany haveplanthe IPO?

(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)
I: Tell me something about yourselfyour past experience.
A: I have eight yearsexperience workingthe IT industry. Forpast two years,have been working asproject manager fordotcom.am also PMI certified. I抦 looking forteam environment wherecan joinexcitementbuildingcompany.
I: What experience have you had that qualifies youthis position?
A: I have workeda varietyprojectsjobsthe high tech industry.wantedhaveexperienceworking fordotcomhave learned something about beingonground floora business.
I: What attracted youthis job?
A: I抳e been searching forwhile nowfindcompany that hadbusiness modelcorporate philosophy like yours.am interestedworking forcompany that provides productsservicesthe K-2 education market. My backgroundin this field,my strengthin building relationshipssolving problems.am excitedinterestedthe ideadeveloping business relationships through e-commerce.
I: What qualities do you think are importantthis position?
A: To havecombinationtechnicalbusiness knowledge andbe very results-oriented. My past record shows thathave those qualitiesmore. Becausemy business acumentechnical know-how,teamshave managed accomplished outstanding results, including booking more than $50 milliononline revenue.
I: When have you been most motivated?
A: Whenhavespecific projectcomplete,likeknowspecificsa project from beginningend.like definite deadlines andlikemeet those deadlines.expect some deviation fromoriginal plan, buttrystay focusednot let myself drift too far.have great attentiondetailliketake my timedorightfirst time.
I: Why did you leave your last position?
A: I抳e set some goalsmyselfmy career,unfortunately I抦 atstandstillmy current situation.have begunexplore options available beforespend too much timea job wherecan抰 advance. My goalto continuetakenew responsibilitiesbekey contributorthe successan online venture.
I: What are your salary expectations?
A: I really need more information aboutjob before we startdiscuss salary. I抎 likepostpone that discussion until later.
I: Do you have any questions?
A: Yes,do. Who are your financial backers? Who arekey competitors? Doescompany haveplanthe IPO? What would you saythe best thing about your product or service?
I: 说说你自己和过去经历吧。
A: 我在信息技术行业已经八年工作经验。在过去两年中,我直在家网络公司当项目经理,而且得到项目管理协会认证。我想找团队精神环境,共同体会创建公司兴奋。
I: 你什么样经验能使你胜任这职位?
A: 我在高科技产业完成过很多项目,做过同工作。我想在网络公司工作,并学会些商业基础知识。
I: 这份工作什么吸引你地方呢?
A: 我直在寻找具贵公司这样商业模式和公司理念公司。我很兴趣为K-2教育市场提供产品和服务公司工作。我这方面经验,我优势就能够建好人际关系并能解决问题。我对通过电子商务发展商业关系观念很感兴趣。
I: 你认为这职位最重要品质什么?
A: 同时具备技术和商业知识,而注重结果。我过去履历表明我具备这些品质而且还更多品质。由于我在商业很敏锐以及懂得技术,我负责团队取得显著成绩,包括预订在线收入超过五千多万美元。
I: 你什么时候最动力?
A: 当我特定项目要完成时,我想知道项目从头到尾具体细节。我喜欢最后期限,同时喜欢在最后期限前完成任务。我知道会和原来计划所偏离,但我会把握好方向让自己偏离太远。我很注意细节,喜欢多花点心思把事情次性做好。
I: 你为什么离开以前工作?
A: 我为自己和我事业设定些目标,但幸,目前情况下我直处于停顿状态。我开始寻求各种可能选择,想在能使我得到发展工作花费太多时间。我目标继续接受新任务,成为在线企业成功灵魂人物。
I: 你期望薪水多少?
A: 在讨论薪水前,我需要更多解工作方面事情。我愿意以后再讨论这问题。
I: 你什么问题吗?
A: ,你们金融资助者哪些?你们主要竞争对手谁?贵公司对新股发行何计划?贵公司产品或服务何优点?

project 项目 philosophy 哲学体系,哲理
combination 结合 acumen 敏锐
outstanding 突出,显著 revenue 收入,收益
motivated 动机,积极性 deadline 最后期限
deviation 偏离,误差 drift 漂流
standstill 停顿,停滞前 contributor 贡献者
venture 企业 backer 支持者,赞助者

PMI:Project Management Institute 项目管理学会。凡从事项目管理工作或者对项目管理兴趣人都可以申请加入。
PMP:Project Management Professional 项目管理专业人士
PMBOK:Project Management BodyKnowledge项目管理知识体系
MPM:MasterProject Management项目管理硕士学位
IPO:Initial Public Offering 新股发行
K-2 education:K指kindergarten,K-2教育指从幼儿园到高中为止教育体系。
) I have been working as project manager fordotcom.
market analyst
senior consultant
market researcher
我直在家网络公司作 项目经理。

2) I抦 at a standstill my current situation. 我目前处于 停滞状态。
deadlock 僵局
halt 停止状态

3) The teamshave managed accomplished outstanding results.
were high upthe pictures
camethe top

4) I have great attentiondetail. 我特别注意细节问题。

5) Why did you leave your last position?
did you come here forjob
did you sendyour papers(提出辞呈)
