

第1个回答  2024-04-21

As you prepare for the English Language Proficiency Test, immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Chinese culture that weaves its way through the exam. From the vibrant arts to ancient traditions, here are 100 essential terms to familiarize yourself with:

Paper Cutting:</ A delicate art form that symbolizes prosperity, this folk craft adorns homes during festivals.</Lion Dancing:</ A lively spectacle showcasing Chinese symbolism, performed during celebrations to bring luck and fortune.</Red Lanterns:</ Colorful lanterns, often seen during the Lantern Festival, symbolize unity and happiness.</Traditional Festivals:</ Discover the significance of the Moon Festival, where families gather to admire lanterns; Embroidery:</ A centuries-old craft telling stories through intricate stitches; and the Double-Ninth Festival:</ A time for honoring the elderly and climbing mountains.</Calligraphy:</ The art of beautiful writing, an integral part of Chinese culture, often found on scrolls and decorations.</Couplets:</ Poetic phrases displayed during Chinese New Year, expressing hopes and blessings for the future.</象形文字:</ The ancient roots of Chinese characters, representing objects and concepts through visuals.</Absolute Yellow Wine:</ A traditional medicine, often served during rituals and celebrations.</Siheyuan:</ The iconic four-sided courtyard house, embodying harmony and family values.</The Warring States Period:</ A pivotal era in Chinese history, witness the rise of great philosophers and scholars.</Fengshui:</ Ancient geomancy practice that guides architectural design for balance and harmony.</Kunqu Opera:</ A UNESCO-recognized opera form, known for its poetic lyrics and graceful movements.</The Great Wall:</ An architectural marvel, a testament to China's resilience and strength.</Group Dance:</ Celebratory dances that unite communities, from the lively folk dance to the elegant imperial court rituals.</Flower Drum Song:</ A charming folk art, often performed during festivals and gatherings.</Confucian Culture:</ The philosophical foundation of Chinese society, emphasizing respect, education, and social harmony.

Each term, from A Dream of Red Mansions to the Nanjing brocade, provides a glimpse into the depth and diversity of Chinese culture. As you delve into these elements, not only will you enhance your vocabulary for the exam, but you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage that is an integral part of the English四级测试。
