请大家帮我翻译 他是一位农民,家境贫寒,从小酷爱音乐,30年来他坚持不懈自学唱歌,被评为真正的农民...

请大家帮我翻译 他是一位农民,家境贫寒,从小酷爱音乐,30年来他坚持不懈自学唱歌,被评为真正的农民歌手!谢谢!着急,快点好吗

第1个回答  2012-05-27
He is a farmer, was born in a poor family, childhood passion for music, for 30 years he taught singing unremittingly, was named real farmers singer! 赞同
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2012-5-24 23:13 guoguoding0823 | 十一级
He is a farmer,who comes from a poor family,he loves music since his childhood. he has been insisting on learning singing for 30 years, he is awarded as the real farmer singer!
第2个回答  2012-05-24
He is a farmer,who comes from a poor family,he loves music since his childhood. he has been insisting on learning singing for 30 years, he is awarded as the real farmer singer!
第3个回答  2012-06-01
He is a farmer, was born in a poor family, childhood passion for music, for 30 years he taught singing unremittingly, was named real farmers singer!
第4个回答  2012-05-24
He is a farmer, was born in a poor family, childhood passion for music, for 30 years he taught singing unremittingly, was named real farmers singer!
第5个回答  2012-05-31
梦想 是每一人都有的 支持农民