新概念英语同步测试卷 book2 test26答案 急需


第1个回答  2014-01-18
一、customer manager recognize guess beard serve terribly nuisance Surprise dry trip during counter forget road travel offer job grow kitten二、略三、1,recognize 2, serve 3, counter 4, manager 5, forget 6, roads 7, guess 8, offered 9, grew 10, dry四、1, in 2, with 3, behind 4, before 5, a 6, is 7, by 8, to 9, am 10, at五、1—5DDADC 6—10 BCACA六、1, hat—ahat 2, a—an 3, 去掉with 4, to water—watering 5, which—whom6, 去掉in 7, looking—lookingat 8, in the road—on the road 9, beard—a beard 10, nuisance—nuisance七、1, I boughttwo expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago.2, I forgot to take the dictionary with me yesterday evening.3, Did you serve this gentlemen half an hour ago.4, I grew a beard during my trip last year.5, He is the man who offered me a job in America.6, 他说他就是这些书的买主。7, 你接待过这位先生吗?8, 站在柜台后面那位小姐昨天戴着帽子。9, 那只叼着篮子的狗不是他的。10, 你为什么不把胡子刮掉。八、1, Tell himnot to forget to take it with him.2, The lady whois standing behind the counter is my friend.3, I bought twoexpensive hats here half an hour ago.4, He is theman who offered me a job in England.5, Did youserve this gentlemen half an hour ago?6, He said hewas the man who bought these books.7, I have toshave the beard off.8, You do not lookwell and you must be ill.9, This is thecar that I bought the day before yesterday.10, Is the dogwhich is running yours?本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2014-01-23