
小孩子要参加英语技能比赛(口语和朗诵)了,想为他们找新点的题材,好好比赛。我现在想要关于“捉迷藏”和“纸制服装”这两主题的对话最佳。记得有某一版的小学三年级教材上有关于“捉迷藏”的,可惜我忘记了。如果哪个朋友有更好的推荐,希望可以…… 感激不尽,(小学三到六年级的孩子)

第1个回答  2012-05-08
Today,when I was walking in the street,I foundan old man who is blind was unable to cross the road himself.So I decided to help him.I ran to him and offered my help.I held his hand carefully and crossed the road with him slowly.Finally,when we arrived at the other side of the road,he thanked me again and again and I felt happy because.I had helped someone who needed help.O(∩_∩)O,希望对你有帮助
第2个回答  2012-05-03
要是对话哦!两人的 初一水平的 A:Goodmorning! B:Goodmorning! A:B:No, I don't./Yes, I do. A:Do you have a study? B:No, I,
第3个回答  2012-05-05