

第1个回答  2022-09-25

1. 写一个关于热带雨林的作文







2. 一篇关于热带雨林的作文70字左右

Rain forests belong to the tropical wet climate group. The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 93 °F (34 °C) or drops below 68 °F (20 °C); average humidity is beeen 77 and 88%; rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year. There is usually a brief season of less rain. In monsoonal areas, there is a real dry season. Almost all rain forests lie near the equator.。

3. 关于热带雨林的70字英语作文

Tropical rain forests grow in warm, wet areas ---- Central America South Amereica, Arica, and Southeast Asia . Because it rains a lot there . With so much rain , the soil in rain forests is very dark and rich for plants to grow. More than half of the tropical plants in the world grow in rain forest. Thousands of animals live in them, too.

Rain forests make up less than 8% of the earth, but more than 50% of the plants and animals on the earth live in them. Thick plants makeit difficult to go very far into the forest. Most exploring must be done on foot, or by boat. Therefore, there are large areas that haven't been discovered


Tropical rain forests are rich for food, medicine and other useful things .

Today , sadly, rain forests are threatened (威胁) by such things as acid rainfrom factory *** oke emissions (散发) around the world and from farm expansion(扩张) . A lot of rain forests are burned or cut down each year. The land is used for farming of for building factories. Because of the loss of rain forests , 1000 kinds of plants and animals bee extinct(灭绝).

Many people understand the importance of saving the rain forests. Many countries are making rain forests into national parks. Farmers are being taught how to grow crops without hurting the rain forests.

Perhaps you can do something to help protect the rain forests of the earth.


4. 关于热带雨林的英语文章

Rainforests are very dense, warm, wet forests. They are havens for millions of plants and animals.

Rainforests are extremely important in the ecology of the Earth. The plants of the rainforest generate much of the Earth's oxygen. These plants are also very important to people in other ways; many are used in new drugs that fight disease and illness.

5. 求热带雨林的英文文章

参考:tropical rainforests


tropical rainforests are usually found around the equator. they are mon in asia, australia, africa, south america, central america, southern mexico and on many of the pacific islands. within the world wildlife fund's biome classification, tropical rainforests are considered a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest. minimum normal annual rainfall beeen 1,750 millimetres (69 in) and 2,000 millimetres (79 in) occurs in this climate region. mean monthly temperatures exceed 18 °c (64 °f) during all months of the year.

rainforests are home to half of all the living animal and plant species on the pla.

tropical rain forests are called the "world's largest pharmacy" because over one-quarter of modern medicines originate from its plants.

the undergrowth in a rainforest is restricted in many areas by the lack of sunlight at ground level.this makes it possible for people and other animals to walk through the forest. if the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned for any reason, the ground beneath is soon colonized by a dense tangled growth of vines, shrubs and *** all trees called a jungle.

6. 热带雨林探险记作文450字以上六年级


渐渐地,我感觉有人在推我,定睛一看,原来是同班的几个好伙伴。她们对我说:“今天学校组织去亚马逊河探险,我们一起去吧!”“太棒了!”我高兴得一蹦三尺高。在地理课上, 我们曾经学过:亚马逊河是世界水量最大,流域面积最广的大河,它的周围还覆盖着地球上 面积最大的热带雨林,这片原始的热带雨林至少已存在了一亿年之久。这次学校真是为我们 创造了好机会,去揭开那原始森林的神秘面纱。

我们乘坐“神毯”来到了这片森林的边缘。一路上的飞行使大家都疲倦了,但谁也顾不上休 息,整整背包一起走进了这神秘的森林。这片森林遮天蔽日,十分寂静,但有时也会听到些 不知名的动物“哇哇”地叫,那叫声在我听来十分悲凉、怕人,就像是在哭。脚底下铺了厚 厚一层的落叶,象软软的地毯,但是树叶已经失去了通常的绿色,变成了深蓝、暗红、深紫 色 ,或者干脆就是黑的了,远远看去如同整片整片的乌云落到了地上。

森林有时浓密,但有时又相对的比较稀疏,在稀的地方就可幸运地看见巴掌大的蓝天,一圈如同白天打着手电似的 阳光。这里到处可见几千年树龄的大树,树干上缠满粗大藤蔓,它们不分你我挤在一起 ,像在争抢着什么东西。路已走了很远,不知谁像发现新大陆似的喊起来:“快看,瀑布 !”我们也都奔过去,看到那高挂的水帘,虽然只有那么一窄条,但给人的感觉却像仙女织 出的丝帛,扯不断,卷不完,一直与长满绿绒绒植物的石头相触,而后汇成涓涓细流注入水潭。

转眼间,已近黄昏时分,我们加快脚步,渴望找到一个有人家的地方住下。我们又走了 几里路,终于发现一个池塘,在池塘上有几座当地人搭建的小木屋,我们走了进去,里面的 物件大都是用木头,树皮制做的,非常别致。这好像是一个小的部落,那儿的人看见我们都 非 常惊奇,其中一个首领似的中年男人对其他人说了些什么,他们就各自忙开了。中年男人笑 着走过来叽哩咕噜说了一阵,虽然我们听不懂,但我们知道他们是友好的。接着他带我们参 观了其它的木屋,我们还跟他学会了一些手势礼节。当晚,我们就住在那里,有些同学还拿 着小本借着手电的亮光记录这一天的事情,还有些同学在整理白天采到的植物标本。回到城 市后,我们向有关部门汇报了那里的地质环境及风土人情,这为他们研究原始森林提供了很 大帮助。

7. 关于保护热带雨林的英语作文

The tropical rain forest can provide humans with oxygen, is the home of wild animal. Tropical rainforest in damage, area reduction, coexistence of *** oke heavy threaten wild animal. Calls for the government to make law, protecting the tropical rain forest, middle school students participate in action, which.。
