
1 David 嗓子疼,咳嗽的很厉害
2 医生询问病情,给他开药并劝他休息三四天

第1个回答  2012-08-24
David: " Good morning, my dear doctor."
Doctor: " Good morning, David. Is everything ok? "
David: " I am afraind not. My throat is sore and I keep coughing!"
Doctor: "How long has it lasted?"
David: " It has been two days. I went swimming with my friend two days before, and I felt not myself ever since that night."
Doctor: " I see. You must have been caught a cold. "
David: " I am worried about my trip with my family in a week later. Is that ok?"
Doctor: " Take it easy. I will prescribe some medicine for you. Take pills according to my instructions and you will recover soon. "
David: " Thank you so much!"
Doctor: " Keep in mind that take a good rest and drink more water for the following three to four days. "
David: " Okay, I will. Thanks again!"
Doctor: " You are welcome. "本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2020-03-14