
对于喝酒,中国人抱有当作人生的心态,所以就有了“对酒当歌,人生几何”(曹操)、“相悲各罢酒,何时同促膝”(何逊)、“何当载酒来,共醉重阳节”(孟浩然) 。相反,西方将酒当茶或开水喝,故而更多的是那种豪爽烈激之气。

第1个回答  2008-09-09
For drinking, as the Chinese people have the mentality of life, so there will be a "song of wine when life geometry" (Cao Cao), "stop the tragedy of wine, when the same Cuxi" (Ho's), "Ho When the liquor to contain a total of drunk during the Chung Yeung Festival "(Meng Haoran). On the contrary, the West when the tea or wine will be open water to drink, there was more the kind of豪爽strong shock of the gas.


第2个回答  2008-09-19
For drinking, as Chinese people have the mentality of life, so there is a "song of wine when, geometry of life" (Cao Cao), "each stop grief with liquor, when the same Cuxi" (He's), "Ho When the wine is contained to a total of Chung Yeung Festival drunk "(Meng). On the contrary, the West will be wine or tea when open water, therefore it is more the kind of bold excited lie on the air.
第3个回答  2008-09-12
Regarding drinks, the Chinese holds the regard life point of view, therefore had “has sung while drinking, the life geometry” (Cao Cao), “sad respectively the liquor, when with (what abdicated), “He Dangzai knee-to-knee” the liquor comes, altogether was drunk the double ninth festival” (Meng Haoran).On the contrary, when the West the tea or the boiling water drinks the liquor, therefore more is that kind straightforward stirs up the gas fiercely.本回答被提问者采纳