

第1个回答  2016-06-05

1. 小白菜 这是我在童年听到的第一首民歌——首流传久远的歌,它表现了一个失去母亲的孩子遭受继母虐待的悲惨境遇,和他对生母的怀念之情。我以这首民歌的凄婉旋律为基础,用弦乐刻画主人公对往日温暖亲情的眷恋,以及为母亲送葬情景的回忆。中间部分的旋律是我根据河北民歌《哭五更》的音调重新创作的,其中有哀伤的呜咽,无奈的叹息,也有短暂的憧憬。当旋律重新回到《小白菜》时,小提琴以充满幻想的空灵音响把人们带到了这苦命孩子寄希望于天国的依稀梦境之中。
2. 小放牛
这是一首农村歌舞曲,曾被编成京剧和昆曲短剧而流传全国。 清晨, 阳光明媚,清风拂煦,牧童在牛背上吹著竹笛悠然自得地走出村口。路上,一位美丽的村姑向牧童问路,牧童则以“赵州石桥什么人修?玉石栏杆什么人留?什么人骑驴桥上走?什么人推车轧了一道沟?”一连串问题请村姑回答,作为指路的条件。 聪明的村姑有问必答,一一应对,二人边唱边舞,一派天真。乐曲用音色对置的手法表现一问一答的诙谐情趣,最后以乐队的全奏将欢乐气氛推向高潮。
3. 茉莉花
中国各地特别是东部各省几乎都有旋律、歌词各不相同的《茉莉花》长期流传。我选取了我的祖籍河北沧州地区的《茉莉花》的旋律。这是一首优雅细腻,精致委婉的歌曲,表现了少女以茉莉花自喻,对美好爱情充满幻想的烂漫情怀。由小提琴、中提琴先后演奏的《茉莉花》旋律,时而恬淡宁静,时而含情脉脉,时而以不协和和弦表现少女偶上心头的一缕愁绪。当另一旋律与《茉莉花》重唱时,则像是一首爱的颂歌。然后,音乐转入沉思,又在结尾时平添一丝惆怅。 4. 对花
“春季里来什么花儿开?春季里开的是迎春花 ……” 对句歌是民歌中常见的形式,而依季节次序问答花名则是对句歌中常见的内容。这首乐曲的主题采用的是河北沧州地区的《对花》,中部则是另一首沧州民歌《放风筝》的旋律。 全曲以多变的节奏、对置的音色和丰富的力度变化描绘出对歌场上欢腾热烈的场面:一连串喋喋不休的反复音调,像是场外熙熙攘攘的人群呼喊助威。中部插入的慢板则是手执竹板击节入场的女子表演“落子”(莲花落)的舞蹈场面。 1. 小河淌水

2. 放马山歌
3. 雨不洒花花不红
4. 猜调
妹跟前?”“……银河长,长上天;莲藕长,海中间;银线长长街前卖,丝线长长妹跟前。”乐曲以木管乐器的明亮音色和弦乐拨奏的轻快节奏突出显现了旋律的戏谑气氛,中部引用了另一首云南民歌《安宁州》的优美旋律。 1. 女娃担水
2. 夫妻逗趣
“说你呀,邋遢呀,真邋一得遢呀,头上的金丝么乱呀如麻呀,娃他妈!”这首对唱描绘了一对夫妻相互取笑的嬉戏场面。三弦和板胡象征一对嬉戏中的夫妻。钢琴的不协和音和小堂锣的滑稽音色强化了乐曲的喜剧色彩,半音调性对置和节拍错位更使乐曲充满幽默感。 3. 走绛州
这首歌流行于陕西和山西,表现了主人公肩挑扁担口唱歌谣步履轻快地向绛州进发的愉快心情。板胡的旋律轻松愉快,小提琴的固定音型好像扁担上下忽闪的颤动,全曲展现出一幅优美的乡间画面。 4. 兰花花
乐曲的第一部分以柔美的双簧管和热情的大提琴表现兰花花和她的情人充满幻想的甜蜜爱情。中段以铜管的强暴威严和弦乐的悲恸哭诉象征兰花花的抗争和愤怒,定音鼓和大锣的哀鸣预示了悲剧的结局。乐曲结尾,定音鼓沉闷地奏出主题,留下了最后的微弱呼唤。 1. 槐花几时开
乐曲由双簧管、圆号、弦乐、长笛和英国管先后演奏这首山歌的优美旋律。 和声以另一调性做背景衬托,描绘了一个远景近景既分离又相合的山村画面。
2. 黄杨扁担
这是一首四川秀山花灯调,表现了小夥子挑担到酉州送米,却兴致勃勃地观察酉州姑娘梳头打扮的情景。歌词俏皮风趣,四川民歌特有的衬词更增添了歌词的幽默感:“黄杨扁担软溜溜哇(姐里哈里呀),挑一担白米下酉州哇(姐呀姐呀) 下酉州哇(哥里哈里呀)。” 乐曲以强劲的全奏刻画小夥子彪悍的形象,中段以一首山歌的二重唱表现年轻挑夫休憩时悠然自得的神态。
3. 绣荷包
《绣荷包》是中国民歌中常见的题材,表现少女为情人绣荷包时的兴奋与羞涩心态。荷包是男人系于腰间用以装钱和零星物品的布袋,女子常以荷包赠与情人作为定情物。民歌中《绣荷包》以四川、山西和云南的三首流传最广。 乐曲从弦乐四重奏开始,然后转为木管,间以竖琴的装饰性滑奏和长笛的华彩乐句,宛若姑娘手中的飞针走线。
4. 太阳出来喜洋洋
这是一首爽朗明快的四川山歌:“太阳出来喜洋洋,挑起扁担上山岗,手中拿把开山斧,不怕虎豹和豺狼。” 乐队全奏贯穿全曲,铜管乐器粗野的呐喊,弦乐从压抑到爆发的转接,以及定音鼓的狂燥敲击,表现了雄性勃发的阳刚之气。 1. 无锡景
以锡山、惠山和太湖闻名于世的江南名城无锡,历来是诗人、画家和音乐家的灵感之源。以无锡为题的名曲,一是阿炳的《二泉映月》,一是这首江南小调《无锡景》:“天下第二泉,惠山脚半边,泉水碧清,茶叶泡香片,锡山相对惠泉山,山脚下,两半边,开个泥佛店。”这首管弦乐曲以清秀的木管音色和朦胧的弦乐音色描绘了无锡秀美迷人的湖光山色。 2. 杨柳青
这是一首欢快活泼的扬州小调。“杨柳青”是原歌中的衬词,并无特别含义。这首小调歌词不固定,常填入诙谐,风趣,欢快的词句。乐曲采用弦乐拨奏, 从两个声部开始,逐步转入全部弦乐的拨奏,并以拨奏模拟民间打击乐的锣鼓节奏,突出了乐曲的欢快气氛和俏皮性格。 3. 拔根芦柴花
这是一首江都县的秧田歌,“拔根芦柴花”系原曲衬句。“白米饭好吃要把秧来栽,鲜鱼汤好喝要把网来拈……”乐曲以钢琴和长笛先后演奏这首秧田歌的轻快旋律,弦乐拨奏和清脆的板鼓伴奏之,勾画了一幅秀美的江南图景。 4. 紫竹调
这原是一首流行于苏州的市井爱情小调,后成为上海沪剧曲牌。其歌词经历代艺人传播修改,成为一首含蓄有趣的情歌:“一根紫竹直苗苗,送与哥哥做管箫,箫儿对著口,口儿对著箫,箫中吹出开花调。问哥哥,这管箫儿好不好?”乐曲以弦乐和二胡、琵琶、曲笛演奏旋律,竖琴的晶莹琶音与之相和,颇具江南丝竹的风格。 1. 走西口
《走西口》讲述的是过去年代生活在黄土高原贫瘠地区的人们背井离乡,到口外谋生的故事,流行于山西、陕西的北部和内蒙古西部。各地的《走西口》内容相近,曲调却有很大差异。这里所采用的是山西小调的旋律:“哥哥你走西口,小妹妹我实难留,手拉著哥哥的手,一直送到小村口。”乐曲以如泣如诉的弦乐音色和细腻落错的复调声部淋漓尽致地表现了一对情人依依不舍的离愁别绪------这里有缠绵悱恻的喃喃私语,更有肝肠欲断的生离死别。 2. 闹元宵
“正月十五闹元宵,太原城里好热闹,这一边灯耍龙摆尾,那一边秧歌扭得好。”这是一首欢腾热烈的山西民歌,表现了元宵节之夜人们兴高采烈的心情。乐曲以铜管的引子和唢呐的曲调把人们带到了一年一度的元宵晚会气氛之中。当人们沉浸在节日之夜的欢乐之中的时候,一曲深情的《绣荷包》缓缓流入人们心田:“初一到十五,十五的月儿高,那春风吹动杨呀杨柳梢。”表现了“每逢佳节倍思亲”的独特心境。 3. 爬山调
爬山调流行于山西河曲和内蒙古武川一带,亦称山曲。它同陕北的信天游在结构上十分相近,都是散板式的上下句结构。内容亦同爱情题材为主,乐曲由两首爬山调联合而成,我们从中可以看到山村男女青年以山曲表达心声的情景。 4. 看秧歌
秧歌是北方农村流行的一种边歌边舞的民间歌舞,山西的秧歌以晋中地区的太谷秧歌最为著称。太谷秧歌以叙事歌曲和短剧为主。这一首《看秧歌》本身就是一首秧歌曲,描述了一对姐妹结伴到邻村看秧歌,一路上趣事层出的情景。乐曲突出了秧歌的打击乐音响,以北方特有的火爆气氛把音乐推向高潮。 BAO YUANKAI
Chinese Sights and Sounds
24 Pieces on Chinese Folk tunes for Orchestra
Suit 1. Yan Zhao gu shi
Heibei Folk Songs
Stories on the Lands of Ancient Yan and Zhao
1. Xiaobaicai_Little Cabbage
This is a very popular folk song talking about how a boy was ill-treated by his stepmother. Apart from the touching melody, the strings was being highlighted to imitate the boy's sorrow. He missed his mother very much and the composer made use of another Heibei folk song Crying at the Daybreak to show the boy's weeping sadness, helpless sighs and transient expectation. In the end, the violin brings us to the misty dreamland which the poor boy is longing for.
2. Xiaofangniu The Little Cowherd
It is a dance tune about the dialogue between a little cowherd boy and a clever country girl. When the girl asked the boy to show her the way, she was being tested with lots of questions. However, the intelligent girl had given the correct answers. Their conversations contribute to a joyful and amusing atmosphere. The sentiments were pushed to a climax by the full orchestra.
3.Molihua Jasmine
There were many tunes or songs named Jasmine that could be found all over China especially the eastern provinces. This piece is from Cangzhou in Heibei Province with elegant and delicate melody. The tune is played by violin and viola, describing how a girl projects herself as a jasmine flower and dreams about romantic love.
4. Duihua Can You Guess What Flower It Is
The format of questions and answers is often found in folk songs especially about the flowers' names. This tune is one of them from Cangzhou which is merged with another folk song Flying the Kite in the middle part of the piece. The changeable rhythms, contrasted tone colors and frequent shifts of dynamics depict a noisy and gay picture of the cheerful crowd.
Suit 2. Yun ling su miao
Yunnan Folk Songs
Sketches of the Highland of Yuannan
1.Xiaohe Tangshui Flowing Stream
This is a Yunnan folk song describing how a girl is missing her lover under a moonlit night. Different instruments were used to picture the scenery such as the string instruments for the moonlit night, the piano, harp and glock for the flowing stream. The touching melody is then played by the English horn and flute respectively. The music reaches its pinnacle when the low register part representing the boy friend played at half speed and is accompanied by the full string ensemble.
2. Fang Ma shange Song of Wrangler
This popular Yunnan folk song describes how the herdsman is grazing their horses on the pasture land and mountain. It also shows the bold and straightforward character of the herdsman. Percussion and violins are used to mimic the sounds of horse bells, hoofs and whips. Another wrangling tune with slow tempo and sweet melody appears in the middle part of the piece which shows the peacefulness of the herdsman when taking a rest during his work.
3. Yu bu sahua hua bu hong Blossoming for Rainwater
It is a well-known Yunnan folk song in a pun form by which the girl is like a cluster of flowers and her lover is like a dragon in the sky. The melody and mode of this tune are unique and beautiful. Triplet pattern, which symbolizes raindrops, is used all over the piece. The bassoon, clarinet, piccolo and woodwind instruments are used respectively to interpret this fascinating melody.
4.Caidiao Song of Riddles
This is a children's folk rhyme from Yunnan. In the rhythm of tongue twister, the song depicts how the two sisters are engaging in questions and answers. The mood is humorous and vivid which can be reflected by woodwind and string instruments. The middle part of the piece borrows the melodic tune of another Yunnan folk song Anningzhou.
Suit 3. Huang tu bei huan
Shannxi Folk Songs
Sadness and Happiness on the Yellow Soil Highland
1. Nuwa danshui Theme and Variation by Folksong of Shannxi
The theme of the melody originates from a Shaanxi folk song which is talking about a country girl's hard life. The music develops in different traditional variations that probes the girl's feelings in many aspects. The tone is sad and melancholy which shows her disconsolate and hard feelings. It also depicts her attempt to struggle against her miserable life.
2.Fuqi douqu The Amusing Couple
It describes the amusing scene of a couple who are laughing at each other. A three-stringed Chinese plucked instrument and the banhu symbolize the couple respectively. The discord of piano and humorous tone color of small gong further strengthens the comic flavor of the theme.
3.Zou Jiangzhou Going to Jiangzhou
It is a popular song in Shaanxi and Shanxi which shows a cheerful man with a carrying pole on his shoulder humming when approaching Jiangzhou. The beautiful country scenery is illustrated by the light-hearted and happy tune of banhu while the fixed sound pattern of violin imitates the elastic movement of the pole on his shoulder.
4.Lan Huahua Lady Lan Huahua
This song is from the north of Shaanxi Province talking about a brave girl called Lan Huahua. She protested against feudalism and pursued her own happy marriage. Her struggle ends in tragedy and finally costs her life. The music begins with oboe and cello to depict their passionate love. Then the brass and strings come in to symbolize her struggle and wrath. In the end, the theme is recapitulated by the kettle drum and finally leads to the tragic ending of the story.
Suit 4. Ba Shu shan ge
Sichuan Folk Songs
Mountain Songs of the Ancient States Ba and Shu
1.Huaihua jishi kai Expecting the Blossom of Scholartree
Sichuan people are known for their diligence, straightforwardness and humor. This is a typical Sichuan folk song talking about how a girl is missing her lover. The tone is amusing and unique. The beautiful melody is recapitulated by the oboe, horn, string instruments, flute and English horn respectively while the harmony in another mode pictures the village scenery.
2. Huangyang biandan Yellow Poplar Shouldering Pole
This Sichuan folk song talks about a young man watching the girls in Qiuzhou to do make-ups on his way carrying a load of rice there too. The music begins with the full orchestra to portray the strong young man while the duet in the middle part of the piece depicts the leisurely and relaxing mood during his rest.
3. Xiu hebao Embroider a Pouch
Embroidering pouch is a very popular theme among Chinese folk songs. It shows the excitement and shyness of young girls when embroidering pouch for their lovers. Girls always give a pouch to their lovers as a token of love. The music begins with string quartet, and is followed by the woodwind, harp and flute respectively. It is just like the shuttling thread in her hand.
4.Taiyang Chulai Xiyangyang Happy Sunrise
This is a lively and straightforward folk song from Sichuan Province. It describes the happiness and pride of children when they climb up the hills to work. The melody is played by the full orchestra. With the highlights of brass, strings and kettledrums, the masculine tone of the piece is further strengthened.
Suit 5. Jiang nan yu si
Jiangsu Folk Songs
Drizzle in the South
1. Wuxi Jing The Scenery of Wuxi
Wuxi in Jiangnan Province is famous for its beautiful scenery which is also the source of inspiration for poets, painters and musicians. Such as the Moon Reflected in Two Streams and this folk song are both well-known tunes talking about Wuxi. This orchestral version of the folk song depicts the charming scenery by both the woodwind and strings.
2. Yangliuqing Green Willow
It is an animated and brisk Yangzhou folk song. It is named so because it uses green willow as a foil in the lyric which is meaningless. The lyric is changeable with humorous and cheerful words. Pizzicato is applied among all strings and is even used to imitate the rhythm of gongs and drums. The delightful and active tone of the melody is then fully expressed.
3. Bagen Luchaihua Pulling out a Reed Catkin
It is a folk song in Jiangdu County which is always sung when transplanting seeds in the rice fields. Accompanied by the strings in pizzicato and small drums, the tune is played by piano and flute respectively to portray this beautiful Jiangnan scenery.
4. Zizhudiao Bamboo-flute Tune
It used to be a popular love tune in Suzhou and is then become a mode of tune for Shanghai local opera Huju. The lyric is implicit and amusing. Accompanied by the harp, the melody is played by the strings in the style of Jiangnansizu.
Suit 6. Taihang chun qiu
Shanxi Folk Songs
Seasons in Taihang Mountains
1. Zou Xikou Going to West Gate
Popular in Shanxi, Northern Shaanxi and Western Inner Mongolia, this folk song talks about the migration of the poor people from the Highlands for a better living. The music adopts the Shanxi tune with the theme of the sad separation between two lovers. Their feelings are depicted by the strings and the polyphony parts of the orchestra.
2.Nao Yuanxiao Happy Lantern Festival
This is a cheerful Shanxi folk song showing the happiness and excitement of people when celebrating the Lantern Festival. The introductory brass and tunes by suona lead to the climax of the festive joy. Then a soft and emotional tune of Embroidering Pouch appears to depict the sentiment of missing their own family under this annual gala.
3. Pashan diaoA Tune of Mountain Climbing
Popular in Hequ, Shanxi Province and Wuchuan, Inner Mongolia, the structure of mountain tunes is similar to that of Xintianyou in the Northern Shaanxi Province. Both of them are in sanban (no tempo) and also have the main theme of love. This piece is composed of two mountain tunes which shows how the young village people express their love through those songs.
4. Kan Yangge Going to Watch Yangge Dance
It is a country dance popular in the villages of Northern China. This piece talks about two sisters who go to see the dance and have met lots of interesting things. Percussion is highlighted to depict the rhythm and also the liveliness of the dance.
