拉美西斯二世,对奈菲尔塔利说的话。(经典的、) 如;当你翩然而过,就以带走我的心。


第1个回答  2013-07-13
Sunshine for you photos阳光为她而照 I love you unique --- no one could match her, because you is the owner of the most beautiful one. I am from you passing, you had already stolen my heart我对你的爱独一无二---没有人能和你匹敌,因为你是所有人中最美丽的一个。我从你身边经过时,你就已经偷走了我的心 With you about anything that is pleasurable; no matter what good things you want to see people at once for her to do; you say every word, sounds were so sweet 跟你有关的任何事都令人愉悦;无论你想要什么美好的事物,都会有人马上替她做到;你说的每一个字,听起来都那么悦耳 Every day the sun rises because of you 每一天的太阳因你而升起 When you gently walk beside me, you took my heart 当你轻轻走过我的身边,你就带走了我的心 I have become Egyption and I can give you whatever you want.If you want something reasonable ,I'll give you B when it's A,if it's something unreasonable,I'll meet you demand for that what a unreasonable pharaoh do. 我成为的埃及人,并且我可以给您什么您想要。如果您想要合理的事,我将给您B,当它是A,如果它是不合情理的事,我将遇见您需求为不合情理的法老王。 I guess why you go, guess five years. I know how to command troops in combat, I-Ming Feng Xiao how to position the country, I am good at the construction of the magnificent fortifications, but I do not understand you .. I guess you do not know .. maybe I'm too rude If you are bored, then I will not force you; maybe I was too rash, but not the thoughtful, that I learned kindness; perhaps that his court did not accept your status, then I designed so that they appreciate you; perhaps I should not marry a Princess concubine, then I would never patronize them; perhaps I should not give you that bracelet, then I destroyed all the country's gold snake bracelet. ... you go?
我猜你为什么走,猜了五年.我懂得如何带兵打仗,我明晓如何治国丰仓,我善于建造宏伟工事,但我不懂你..我猜不懂你..或许我太粗暴,若你厌烦,那我不再强迫你;或许我太莽撞,不懂体贴,那我学会温柔;或许众臣不那个接受你的身份,那么我设计让他们赏识你;或许我不该迎娶妃妾,那么我就从不宠幸她们;或许我不该送你那个手镯,那么我就毁坏了全国所有蛇形黄金手镯.你还...走吗? "The middle is my great sun god of Egypt, and Latin America. And that both sides, I sat, as well as you. This shows that I will not forget your feelings, I dare to let God pull the card." "I was planning establishment of a new temple, called Abu? Xinbei Le. Liufangqiangu I want it, even the God of heaven, you can also see us, even years after the subjects, you can also see us. I want to prove, You are mine. no matter where you are, no matter what you are. "
欧西里斯神啊,请您庇佑我,让我再次拥有来生。 Osiris God, please bless me, let me once again have a future life.

Heras Oh God, please give me the courage and fighting power, let me once again fight to protect my territory.

Amon Oh God, please protect my soul, Fei Du distant afterlife.

Habib Goddess, please again favored me, took me to her side.

Nile, my mother, she and I drink it with water for life, agreed to be reborn again will not forget ... ...
  赫拉斯神啊,请您赐予我勇气和战斗力,让我再次为保护我的疆土而战。   阿蒙神啊,请您保护我的灵魂,飞渡到遥远的来世。   哈比女神,请您再次眷顾我,把我带到她的身旁。   尼罗河,我的母亲,我和她一同饮下这生命之水,约定再会亦不忘却往生……“中间的是我埃及伟大的太阳神,拉。那两旁,坐着我,还有你。这说明,我不会忘记对你的感情,我敢于让拉神为证。”“我还在筹划建立新的神庙,叫做阿布?辛贝勒。我要让它流芳千古,即使是天上的神,也可以看到我们,即使是万年之后的臣民,也可以看到我们。我要证明,你是我的。不管你在哪里,不管你是什么。”
Osiris God, please bless me, let me once again have a future life.

Heras Oh God, please give me the courage and fighting power, let me once again fight to protect my territory.

Amon Oh God, please protect my soul, Fei Du distant afterlife.

Habib Goddess, please again favored me, took me to her side.

Wei, knowing you, I am most happy. .

You have to remember that. .

And then will not forget reborn. . .

I love you, as well. . thank you!更多
欧西里斯神啊,请您庇佑我,让我再次拥有来生。   赫拉斯神啊,请您赐予我勇气和战斗力,让我再次为保护我的疆土而战。   阿蒙神啊,请您保护我的灵魂,飞渡到遥远的来世。   哈比女神,请您再次眷顾我,把我带到她的身旁。 薇,认识你,是我最开心的。。   你要记得。。  再会,亦不忘却往生。。。   我爱你,还有。。  谢谢。。。 You want my life, I'll give you it wants to.
你要我的命,我给你就是了. Allowed you to think I do not know something! 不许你在想我不知道的事!