

第1个回答  2015-12-17
The white syrup, alkaline water, oil, flour, a little bit of integration, and into the dough. Flour, white syrup, alkaline, oil ratio was 5:4:1:1.
Put a good face pulling into the same size of the dough, and roll into a bread stand-by.
The red bean paste and shape into small round cake, wrap the duck's egg yellow, wrapped in a stuffing group.
Will be stuffing packets into the group. A good bread roll, knead the ball.
Prepare a cake mold, put a little dry flour, the dough will wrap the filling into the mold, pressing, pressing, and then will be deducted from the mold.
With the egg out of the egg, the proportion of 3 egg yolk 1 whole eggs,.
The moon cakes into the oven, use hair brush on a layer of fine egg and then into the oven.
Oven temperature is 180 degrees, about 20 minutes about roast, to remove the middle, and then brush again and again the egg juice.本回答被网友采纳